SCOTUS Slaps Down Lindsey Graham’s Bid To Evade Georgia Grand Jury

It’s not even anathema. It’s alien, a total nonconsideration.


Or maybe to the Dear Leader who can wave his magic orange arm and declassify documents and make pesky legal problems vanish.


I love how members of the Law and Order party defy both the law and the order when it suits them. Pack a bag, Lindsey, you’ve got a date with a woman who happens to be a district attorney.


This is good to hear. Miz Lindsey is going to have to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the whole truth unless he is ask to incriminate himself (5th amendment) or is asked questions about his work as a legislator. Hint helping Trump pressure the GA attorney general isn’t legislative work. It is more likely criminal activity. So he is probably going to plead the 5th instead of the speech and debate clause. He is probably going to plead the 5th over and over again. Who knows. He is probably going to be a target of the GA prosecutor.


Keep a close eye on this. Bolosonaro’s supporters are, (you won’t believe this), rioting. He’s not leaving unless he has to.

My prediction: He’s might end up out of power, but, either way, this is going to end with a bunch of politicians, the ones on the ultimate losing side, standing in front of firing squads.


Trumpy’s Fluffer in Chief is going to have to testify. I dare him to plead the fifth. Badgering the Georgia officials to throw out votes is criminal. I’d give anything to see the Fluffer in Chief in an orange jumpsuit.


As I understand it, the J6 committee will be dissolved when the next Congress begins in January, so it won’t matter whether the R’s take the House or not. Trump will either testify before then, or he’ll stall until the subpoena disappears at that point.

I think the Trump subpoena was just tying a bow on the J6 package and giving him a chance to testify under the committee’s rules – private video deposition before public testimony – which Trump will never agree to. So it’s just Kabuki theater from now until January, and that’s a wrap.


Questions that he argues deal with issues around “legislative activity” can remain privileged, the court said — protected by the First Amendment’s speech or debate cause. Because of that, the court said, halting the subpoena was “not necessary.”

So, he’ll appear and be as helpful and candid as a tree stump.


After Graham gives his name and occupation he will pronounce every question thereafter as shielded by the speech and debate clause.


FIFY :sunglasses:

No. It’s not.

That’s just so classically Trumpian. I would love to see this slogan plastered all across Twitter:

Bolsonaro é um perdedor. (e.g., “loser”)


What the hell does the Rs taking the house have to do with the GA prosecutor?


Unless, of course, Twitler is indicted by the DOJ for other crimes before then. Then Twitler is going to want to get to the Congress again as fast as his hamhanded feet can carry him…with a large force of seditionist rallying in front of him again?


The brief order also described Graham’s actions in 2020 as “informal investigative fact-finding.”

That’s not what Raffensperger says…

Raffensperger said Graham appeared to be asking him to improperly find a way to set aside legally cast ballots, according to the newspaper.

Asked about Raffensperger’s interpretation that he was suggesting that legally cast ballots should be thrown out, Graham said, “That’s ridiculous.”

Now, Lin-seed will have to say that under oath, to a grand jury.

Or, plead the 5th.


As long as he doesn’t try to appeal to my better nature… because it’s ready to tell Lindsay to f*ck off and go testify already.


Exactly. How is it that Raffensperger’s first hand account is so summarily dismissed here?


You got that right.

The question is how is he going to say it isn’t right under oath without incriminating himself or committing perjury? He is a well regarded lawyer so it should be easy for him. :slight_smile:

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“Law” is for Republicans. “Order” is for Democrats.


Well, the phone call wasn’t recorded, so to a certain extent it is “he said/she said.” That is, except for Raffensperger’s notes on the phone call, and all the people he told about it at that time.

You know Lin-seed wasn’t telling ANYONE about those calls, except Trump. And there’s no way he took notes.

Thankfully, those Graham phone calls were what got Raffensperger to eventually record Trump’s call. Raffy knew something fishy was happening.