The Supreme Court on Tuesday denied a request from Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to avoid testifying before a Georgia grand jury in a state criminal probe of Trump’s interference in the state’s 2020 election.
Gloat if you must, but ask yourself: What has this nation come to when a sitting U.S. Senator can’t even attempt to disenfranchise a few tens of thousands of black voters without having his motives questioned? If Senator Graham can be held accountable under the law, who among us will be safe committing felonies? Is this not what a hellscape would look like?
So, “Anyone Not Named Trump” is subject to subpoenas? (Although guarantee this will be back before the Court in a dispute about what Linz claims is protected speech and what the Grand Jury wants to know.)
How do we get a hold on Trump’s taxes and stay legalistically consistent?
Right but it looks like the Court gave him an out equating his “fact-finding” to speech and debate clause issues. Perhaps that was the ruling of the lower courts as well. But this means he can refuse to answer just about everything relevant to the inquiry.
Noting that the issue is NOT if the Supreme Court is Republican but rather how Republican is the Supreme Court, the answer we got here is not so much as to put Lindsey Graham above the law.
That is the Republican Supreme Court is not about to cause a coup to save Lindsey Graham. But I would not make this same bet if the stakes were higher than Lindsey.