SCOTUS Bows To Texas Bid To Annex Immigration Enforcement Away From Feds, For Now - TPM – Talking Points Memo

Oh good. Now Texas can bear the cost of managing the largest section of the U.S.-Mexican border and that’s one less demand on the federal budget


It must be a coordinated legislative push. Would not be surprised if ALEC and federal society is involved. Republican legislature in Iowa getting a similar law passed. It was in the news today.


These two better have their papers on them.


Texas will be crying for Federal help, and soon complaining about being put upon by this burden that they fought for.


Yes! Why, I’m even old enough to remember when the SCOTUS denied states the right to determine who is qualified to run for President because a patchwork of state disqualifications would unleash CHAOS.


Actually, I think this is a good thing. The Southern border states are basically being invaded by illegal aliens (Yeah, I know you’re supposed to call them “undocumented immigrants” but to me that sounds like a tourist that left their wallet and passport in their hotel room.) Since the Biden administration has allowed the situation to reach this point, it’s reasonable for border states (North and South) to take whatever actions are necessary to protect their citizens. Yes, we need comprehensive immigration reform, but that needs to come once the daily invasion of illegals is brought under control.

I was just going to say, If there’s an upside to this it’s that Texas will have to pay for their newfound “authority.” Moreover, the feds can just let its money dry up.

Personally, I think a bankrupt Texas (monetarily; it long ago reached that morally) is a good Texas.




You’re right. But I do feel sorry for those butterfly reserve people.


dogs and cats,living together - mass hysteria!


My feeling is that when Trump loses the election there will be violence, started by his Maga aholes, and the resolution of that violence, finished by not Maga, will rid us of a lot of trumpian lice and bedbugs, such as Cannon and Greene and Proud Boys and Eastman and Trump Jr. and Trump Stupider et al.

But it will cause great harm to the people of this nation and the world while it happens.


Not quite, at least as i understand it. States have the right to substitute their own laws that supersede the authority of Federal laws. I remember when Texas refused to raise their drinking age to 21 while still allowing drinking while driving. So, the Feds withheld the Federal Highway monies, and they, of course, cried bloody tears of unjustified oppression, but they still eventually came around and did what’s right in order to get their Federal money. I suspect similar tactics might again be employed to get them to accept that Texas is not their own sovereign country, free to do whatever the fuck they want. I’ll admit that i’m not from Texas, so i might not have this story quite right. If anyone remembers differently, i’ll defer to your version of events.


But doesn’t Biden control the National Guard? Can’t he just write a EO tossing this aside or order other NG troops to go down there and enforce federal law. Isn’t that what happened with when other states decided to go against federal law. A bit confused about what he can/can’t or won’t do.


Didn’t see this and it helps.


My feeling is that T rumpp won’t wait until November to start the bloodbath he’s called for when he loses. Just a hunch, but he’s desperate and backed into a corner of his own making. He’s likely to do desperate things. Remember, he lives to delay justice when it applies to him. He might just decided to delay the election, too.


They are insane, expand the court, court reform.

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Yes, yes, yes. I really hope the White House does something, anything along these lines to push back against this blatant decision.


Thanks for pointing this out. And let’s hope something like this starts as quick as possible.


I hope the 5th Circuit drags this out all year. Let Texas carry both the responsibility for and the cost of managing the majority of the southern border

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You seem to keep getting lost on your way to OANN or Breitbart.