SCOTUS Bows To Texas Bid To Annex Immigration Enforcement Away From Feds, For Now - TPM – Talking Points Memo

I don’t like the White Power Supreme Court that has been molded in the image of Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society


Abbott caught the semi-truck. He can get all the blame from here on out. Do performative bullshit and find out

Apart from the general awfulness of taking a position that inflicting human misery and injustice is a good thing because it heightens the contradictions or whatever, you also don’t understand appellate procedure at all.


Next step, TX sets up its own immigration court system. See how the supremes like that.


I can assure you that we’re under no need of protection from any invading hordes. We could use a bunch more immigration judges, but that’s about it.


What general awfulness has ensued from this being pushed back for a ruling? Let me know if that happens, K? Cuz what’s more likely is Abbott won’t know what to do w/the car he caught and meanwhile he’s not going to be sending buses to NYC.

It’s not contradictions I’m expecting. It’s the loss of a GOP talking point

A central government with the ability to maintain its sovereign authority is essential to the survival of a nation. There are various ways to accomplish that, and people will dispute which is better, but without it, it’s just regions and warlords.


This is correct. The SCOTUS has been this corrupt and political before. Often. A little study of some antebellum decisions regarding slavery and some post bellum decisions destroying reconstruction and approving Jim Crow will not leave you surprised with where we are now - terrified, but not surprised. Also you could talk to any woman, black/brown male person, or any poor person of any race or creed that you may know. The SCOTUS has always been a political institution and only rarely one deserving of our respect. The current court is a prime example of a corrupted political institution that does not deserve anyone’s respect, but gets respect from the paymasters.


Has the Civil War ended?


Texas is now a sovereign nation by Supreme Court edict, so we can put the secession talk to bed. Imagine how much death and destruction would have been avoided if the Confederate states had simply petitioned the Supreme Court.


I suspect if Texas actually tries to do this most of the land migration will be shifted to New Mexico, Arizona and California. Governor Immoral Asshole won’t have to spend more Texas tax dollars on bus trips to “sanctuary cities” for “illegals”. What he is left with is carte blanche to racially profile and harass brown people living legally in Texas. Win, win for Governor Cruel and the idiots who vote for him.


I’m confused.

A federal appeals court has frozen Texas’ controversial immigration law, one of the toughest laws of its kind enacted by a US state in modern times.

The decision came just hours after the Supreme Court allowed the measure, SB4, to take effect pending an appeal.

The measure would allow officials in the state to detain and prosecute unauthorised migrants.

Mexico has refused to accept any migrants deported by Texas under the new law.

The Biden administration has challenged SB4, calling it unconstitutional.


No kidding. Very confusing.

I’m assuming this is the same appeals court that was already hearing the case but had declined to stay enforcement while it pondered whether Texas has to actually follow the law.

Did SCOTUS call the appeals court’s bluff? Did Roberts make a phone call to get them to haul his fat out of the fire?


Thank you, Mr. Goodbar.

So now it is stayed? I wish I really understood all this legalese, because sometimes the talking heads on tv just MAKE NO SENSE because they use words I do not understand the full meaning on!


I really mean they don’t mind cruel and capricious outcomes for people that are in a pregnancy crisis OR crossing the border asking for asylum. The migrants aren’t an army attacking anyone, and pregnant women are in medical need. I have less respect for this court as the days go by, and it appears the Three are just as disgusted.


This impact of this madness will not be limited to immigrants. It’s open season on brown people in Texas


i really don’t know what the LAW is on illegal immigration, however, i do get whyTEXAS and other border states are ‘upset’ with the current situation with illlegal immigrants…i wouldn’t be comfortable with masses of 'illegal’people coming to my community, expecting me to feed them and give them shelter… i really do not know what their lives are like in their home country,from what i see onTV, there are thousands of able bodied people demanding asylum., many do not look like they missed many meals;this country can no longer afford to be the do-gooder for the whole world…the world has changed since the CONSTITUTION was composed and became the law of the land…IMO, this country must face the realityof the real world. not the world that existed in the 16-1700s…my ancestors emmigrated to CANADA, way back when…they came by ship, where they were listed on the ships manifests, so ‘whoever’ was totally aware of exactly who was entering the country., IMO; Trumpfs appeal to so many people is he has set himslef up as the guy who can and will correct this problem.

how much does TEXAS contribute in FEDERAL taxes? there are many military bases in Texas, it really would not be practical to withdraw the bases, cut off the federal money., let them go it alone if that is what they want.