He knows, and smiles every time he cashes their checks. Fuck him.
Funny, I’m not feeling any pain.
You are a very different kind of person. Sorry, but I don’t mean that in a good way.
It was just a super-charged gay pride group.
If he even tacitly admits that America is racist he will be primaried out next election, which is 2022. Remember that he was appointed senator by Nimrata Haley.
Oh, look! A troll! Isn’t that cute? Poor little troll! Bye, bye!
Tim Scott … in the tone deaf tradition of Gerald Ford who proclaimed that …
Eastern Europe was not dominated by the Soviet Union.
Chief Justice Roberts who proclaims that voter discrimination is behind us.
During a “boys” weekend a few years ago (average age of participants being 46), I overhear Gary say “yeah, fine. Just don’t speak about any of that when visionseeker is around.” To some guy new to the group. To Gary’s disappointment, I ignore the bait (the guy loves to get me ranting).
Later, as we sit around the fire. The new guy starts telling people he’s part of a group called the Proud Boys and I immediately think what a fucking completely shitty name for a band of middle aged guys.
As he prattles on, what he’s actually talking about begins to take shape and I’m reminded of that group that Gavin whatshisname formed and was bracing myself for the inevitable mention of Jordan Peterson and his dumb fucking rules. Well, the newbie didn’t take long to get there and as soon as the name “Jordan” was uttered I glanced at Gary with burning eyes of fury (which Gary answered with a beaming smile in anticipation of my explosion and his night’s entertainment).
After I ranted for a full 5 minutes at this guy I finally finished up with ”Now do yourself a fucking favour and stay the fuck away from searching for some guru or group to do your thinking for you. You want to be a better man? Start doing your own thinking and take responsibility for your own fucking failures.”
With that, no one said a word until, from the other side of the pit you heard Gary say ”I told you not to speak about it when visionseeker is around.” Laughter abounded and then the festivities resumed.
He’s such a tool! A tool forged by the Repubiscum Party that is and he should be ashamed. Why aren’t black ministers, the NAACP and other luminaries calling his ass out?
Ah, but if someone else’s grandfather, not even yours, hit someone else’s grandmother, there’s not a person on the planet who would assume that, because you also had a grandfather, you owe something to the grandmother who was abused.
If reparations and the like were simple issues, they’d have been solved long ago
Exactly. I really wish TPM wouldn’t play this cranked up faux controversy that plays right into GQP messaging. But, alas, here we are.
All these male Trump-fealty groups are homoerotic in nature. Every one of them
Tim Scott is no Uncle Tom. But only because Uncle Tom was an admirable character.
Anyone who has actually read the Stowe book will tell you that Uncle Tom was a heroic, albeit tragic character of enormous wisdom, dignity, compassion, and strength. He was severely beaten when he refused to whip another slave – and died as a result of the whipping he got because he refused to divulge the location of other slaves who had run away. Tom’s only “flaw” was his belief in the power of Christian forgiveness – he even forgives the oversears who wielded the whips that lead to his death.
If you want to trash some one like Tim Scott. call him Stephan Candie – the overseer of Candieland in Django Unchanged. Or refer to him as Steppin’ Fetchit.
But not Uncle Tom, please.
He’s trying to use some sort of slogan semantics.
He admits that there still is racism in this country, serious enough that it needs to be addressed in various ways. He notes he himself was a target of such racism. He even complains about race based solutions he feels are counterproductive.
So, what does “America is not a racist country” mean? In principle, we are not. So, it is a matter of how large the problem of racism still is. If it is large enough, saying we still are a racist country is far from a misleading statement.
But, his way is a nice slogan that sells well among Republicans and those who reject even the lesser idea – which he says he accepts – that we still have lingering racism in this country that is a serious problem that must be addressed. It is bull to not realize his slogan aids and abet this group, including blatant racists.
He is full of it and his speech was full of it. I think it is not unfair to say that putting him as the face of the Republican reply has some blatant racism in it too.
So Tim, when did this country stop being racist? Is there some special date or event that marks the change, or did the racism just fade away quietly? If the later, can you even identify the DECADE when that happened?
“Snow Mexico!?” I think he misspelled Canuckistan
I wish folks wouldn’t refer to Scott and those like him by referencing Uncle Tom. The actual character from Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a heroic and deeply moral character who was beaten because of his refusal to whip other slaves at the command of Simon Legree and later executed for his role in helping slaves escape when he could have saved himself by betraying the escapees. I wish Senator Tim Scott were as moral and decent as Uncle Tom was.
There’s a vast difference between the Republican Party of today that the likes of Senator Scott speaks for and what it basically was until the Civil rights era. Eisenhower received around 38% of the Black vote in the 50’s. On the Little Rock school integration crisis Eisenhower had to be prodded. Louis Armstrong got on the phone with him and chewed him out. “You make sure those kids can go to school”.
Laura Ingraham would have chastised him. “Shut up and play…your trumpet”.
Jackie Robinson got roughed up by the Goldwater crowd at the 64 convention because he wanted a strong civil rights plank. (He later referred to them as Nazis).
They also elected honorable senators like Ed Brooke from Massachusetts. As the Republican Party has gone more reactionary over the past 60 years their presidential candidates get around at most 12-13% of the Black vote. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why. Scott ought to be able to figure it out as well.
There’s nothing new about Tim Scott. He’s certainly not the first black person to win a place for himself among the elite by acting as a tireless advocate for white supremacy. I mean, how many decades has Clarence Thomas been on the bench.