Scott Stands By Controversial ‘America Is Not A Racist Country’ Remark | Talking Points Memo

When you’ve never left the plantation, it’s hard to imagine any other reality? There isn’t any white person who believes this is a post racial America. Most of the MAGA believe they are overseers. Most middle class whites are just trying not to become slaves, too.

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He is full of it and his speech was full of it. I think it is not unfair to say that putting him as the face of the Republican reply has some blatant racism in it too.

I don’t think that it is unfair to think that either. It was a very calculated move by the GOP to choose him for the reply.


Thank you for making my point for me.

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Two things.

  1. [TRUE] America is not, as it stands today, constitutionally racist in the way that, say, Apartheid South Africa was.

  2. [FALSE] Because of (1), we then generalize to “there is no racism in America”, which is what Scott’s intended audience wants to hear.

The fact that the entire Left then flies into a tizzy screaming “yesitisyesitisyesitis” is a bonus that helps confirm to the intended audience of (2) that the Left are all a bunch of loonies who hate America. (@dcprogress re “rhetorical trap”)


I wonder what Michael Steele has to say about Tim Scott .He too was willing to serve as the black face of the GOP, until they had no more use for him and kicked him out. The day Tim Scott takes a stand against white supremacy is the day he gets kicked out of office and run out of the GOP.

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Not yet. But given the voter disenfranchisement going on, don’t tell me that most Republicans don’t salivate at the thought of living in Apartheid America.

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It is nothing new. The very existence of some of these black republicans is a denial of the racism in this country. The republican party can’t be racist because it has a few black members. It boils down to saying “why, some of my best friends are black”


Yes reparations are not a simple issue, but to deny that today there are no men hitting their wives and children today. And that those in your community offer no help, and blame the woman for the position shw is in, and some will say it’s God’s plan.


So why did the first settlers try to kill off the entire Native American “race”? Starting then, please describe one time in our history when we weren’t racist.

And why do you care so much what the right thinks? Do you spend your time carefully tiptoeing around your words so as not to offend them? And who are these (2) people that make up the intended audience? Can you name them? If it’s only (2) why should we even bother?

So many questions.

And it’s wrong to try to use our painful past to dishonestly shut down debates in the present.

Where’s all the white Republicans? I’m not hearing “debates.”

I am not in favour of reparations for slavery itself as the practice was (though immorally) rooted in law until it was declared unlawful. What I am in favour of is reparations for the treatment of former slaves and their descendants thereafter. Once emancipated, they were entitled to equal protection under the law. They did not get it.

Stories like this

Get my complete endorsement.

This kind of thing should be extended to the dependents of freed slaves who got forced off their post war purchased lands; to families of lynching victims; to the descendants of the Tulsa Riot, etc… What price? Fair question and one that can be explored once we can agree that the systemic abuse of peoples at the hands of a state is something that must be compensated.


If you are running a race and one group’s starting blocks are fifty yards behind the other group’s starting blocks, so you decide to move the first group’s starting blocks 25 yards up but leave the second group’s starting blocks where they were, this is not stealing from the second group . It is simply making the race fairer.

The various groups whose loans are to be forgiven were previously denied help by the government which was given to the white farmers. All of this was in living memory. So same deal as the anology above.


Standard GOP talking point. “To end racism stop doing anything about racism."

Fixed it for them

The logic involved is somewhat akin to Trump’s refusal to promote Covid testing because it would drive his numbers up.

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That you ought to refuse to compensate those harmed by racism because this is unfair to those not harmed by racism is the claim he is making.

Sorry…I can’t parse this. English please?

ETA: That’s better, thanks

No, that’s not the claim he’s making. Close, but different

Right. I can just see academia out in the streets making sure that those who are driving while black meet their just deserts.

Also, next time you are applying for a job please use a pseudonym which sounds black.


Let me know if you find a place to go. My passport is up to date and I’ve had my shots.

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Why not go by what Scott actually said? This need to insert words into his mouth that he never said is really quite disturbing. And it’s not just you

But was later elected to a full term in his own right in 2016. So he is up in 2022.

Are you sure this reply is wanted it? I was not saying anything here about what Scott said I was replying to a ludicrous claim Wagonmound made.