Scott Stands By Controversial ‘America Is Not A Racist Country’ Remark | Talking Points Memo

It seems that only when he is stopped for the 25th time for DWB will America be considered racist.
He is a simple and silly person who has traded his critical faculties for money and perceived influence.
He wants to forget that the GQP in >30 states is determined to make the black vote 25% smaller and so less influential.
He should talk to more black people who don’t vote GQP.


Coming up next–Tim Scott sings “It’s A White Man’s World”.

This is good


Sure but that’s not what he’s talking about.

So many rude jokes about this, my conscience got the better of me this time.


The question every newsperson on a non-GOP propaganda network interviewing Senator Scott and every other GOP Senator and Rep should ask before they start spouting their usual lies and conspiracy theories:

“Senator/Representative ________, do you believe Joe Biden is the legitimately elected President of the United States, and, if not, what concrete evidence do you have that he is not?”


Recent offerings from South Carolina Motor Sales and Service…

Jaime Harrison:

Tim Scott:

¯\_ (ツ) _/¯


Whether it is or not, it should occur to the Lefty Progressives and Lefty Academics that it’s a damn stupid rhetorical turn for politics. Like Defund the Police, calling the US a “racist country” is a rhetorical own goal that plays into the rhetorical game of the racist wings.

It’s much smarter to reject US as a racist country as a turn against racists.


“It’s much smarter to reject US as a racist country as a turn against racists.”

Hmmm. You just said something very interesting, that I had not thought about. Thank you.


ok, we’re not a racist country, just a country full of racists. Happy?

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One more question, can you name 3 “Righty” Progressives? Cause I bet you can’t.

I totally agree with Sen. Scott. Where most of the racism exists today is among the woke faculty lounges, and the race hustlers of BLM, and the MSM. Sorry if the truth hurts, guys.



Tim Scott is a stalking horse – nothing more and nothing less. He’s made a career of association to power and financial reward for himself by being a stalking horse. That’s not going to change.


That is true and a goal we work for. I’m not sure, however, we fight against racism and social injustice by denying so many things baked in to our assumptions.

We don’t want to play “wack a racist” one Chauvin at a time do we?

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By chance, I’m watching part 6 of Ken Burn’s “Baseball.” This is the episode that covers Jackie Robinson.

I have no idea if Tim Scott has seen it, but if he has and is not ashamed of himself, fuck him.
If he hasn’t, fuck him.
Uncle Tom.


What I’m getting from Sen. Scott is that yeah we treated black people badly, but we’ve got to move forward. If we offer a program to black farmers then it needs to be offered to all farmers. So what he is doing in the Republican way is stating that all those things are in the past. We should treat everyone the same. Fine good, but the past created the now. The discrimination effects black families now.
I have no idea if the lone black Senator has been asked about how women were treated in the past, and does it effect how they are treated today. And pretty much any Republican of any color I have yet to hear about the treatment of the Native Americans.
Shorter version:
If a husband hits his wife and children today, hit them yesterday, and the days before that why then should she and the kids wake up tomorrow and think that he won’t hit them again? Why can’t Republicans understand that you can’t just say “I’m sorry”, or “God forgives me why can’t you”, and expect anyone who has been harmed to shake it off and take the abuser’s word that tomorrow will be different.


“America is Not a Racist Country” is a racist thing to say.

Tim Scott needs HIS ass burned.


“We are electricians, carpenters, financial advisors, mechanics, etc. More than that, we are fathers, brothers, uncles and sons,” We are your neighbor and friends. We are that guy that gets the microwave burrito at the gas station and that guy that is price conscious when buying beer. We are that guy that Dodge made an entire market on. We are that guy next door that yells at everything including his own image in the mirror when shaping his cheesy van dyke just so. We are that male shopper who spends way too long checking out the new metallic shades at the Walgreens. (Do these look cool on me or what?)

You know Gosh darn it, we are the Proud Boys, because calling ourselves Proud Guys was just plain weird for some reason.