Schumer Slams Trump’s ‘Petty, Unserious’ Response To His Letter On Supply Shortage

What I find baffling is that all these Neo-fascist movements (Trump, and the ones in Europe) wallow in self pity and disdain for others.


And probably for some reason, Jane Fonda.
And the new music kids listen to now-a-days.

I don’t think we need to elaborate, since that’s really as far as they think.
Money good.
Money shiny.
Me want money.
Me get money.

You were pre-paraphrasing the (possibly) coming cavalcade.

When you work in the one about Stein, Sarandon, and Nader, don’t forget to include copious mention of copulation – this seems to be essential.


What it had to do with invading Afghanistan was the question.

If you were referring to military procurement and crony contracts and so on, then OK. I just wondered if you were referring to something else as well.

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Yes, if only we would take time out from texting and copulating, we could save the world. From all those people who don’t text or copulate.

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Trolls in the Hive, friends. Respond accordingly.


I hope with every fiber of my being that this joke of a president and every despicable lackey in his administration get flushed out of office this November, like the turds they are. What a immature and unpresidential response. I still cannot believe there were enough dumb Americans of that low of morals and IQ that the orange fuckstick was able to slither into office, even considering all the cheating that boosted him.

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Mother Earth is finally getting a breather from all the pollution, noise, etc. (Even some wildlife have been able to once again roam the main streets that once was their territory) Hmmm…she just might have discovered a solution to the climate crisis that is making all her natural systems sick.

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I got it, just like June 1968 rings bells…

The day the course of the country was changed forever…

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“The country” – ignoring as we often do the continuing horrors inflicted on the minority populations within it – has been through some tough times.

Obviously, the Civil War was a bloodbath.

But some stretches are even worse in retrospect than they appeared to be at the time. For example: the five-year period between November 22, 1963 and November 5, 1968.

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That Great Society did not quite work out as planned, but it was a valiant attempt…

I would further argue that the '90s will not age well in the history books, the rot that brought us to where we are now set in…

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Yes, LBJ’s efforts at home were the best of America. It’s what else happened in those five years that caused so much damage.


Yes, but in some fairness to LBJ, when has America ever walked away from a war?

The only time that comes to mind is Bush Sr. who rightly decided not to march on Baghdad…

You could make the argument that Viet Nam forever tarnished the draft and one of the casulties was the idea of common duty and service to one’s country. Yet another root of the self-centered greed that consumed the nation.


Until his successors, LBJ was the worst foreign policy President, ever. He was one of our greatest domestic policy Presidents, as any African-American over the age of 60 will tell you.

At the height of the Great Society, we were spending annually on it what we were spending three weeks on the Vietnam War. There were parts of the Great Society that were very successful, chiefly among them Head Start. Moreover, the launch of the Great Society was also the commencement of the building of a large middle class Black America, again, as any African-American over the age of 60 will tell you as well.

Don’t misconstrue my statement regarding Johnson and wars as defending his actions. The seeds of America fucking up in Viet Nam were planted before he arrived and he did not know how to get out without loosing face. To further exacerbate it, he was egged on by the MIC and unlike Ike, he did not really know how to deal with them. Pride goeth before a fall as they say…

And just a little perspective, before WWII, with the exception of Wilson, what president really had to concern himself with foreign policy near the top of his agenda?

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Yes, even though Bush’s invasion of Iraq was a disgrace, at least he and Schwarzkopf did not try to burn the entire country down to the ground and salt the earth. Greatness!

Let’s not address right now our invasion of Vietnam, or the long history of American empire.

I do agree that LBJ was trapped to some extent. If not for his personal demons, and if not for those traitors Kissinger and Nixon, he might have been able to corral everyone into doing the right thing in Vietnam – but we’ll never know.

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Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy; arguably Nixon (an even worse foreign policy President than Johnson).

It was. The last President to get Indochina right was Roosevelt.

It took Johnson all of 18 months after Kennedy’s murder to get us into an actual war. For all their faults with respect to Indochina, at least Truman, Ike and Kennedy avoided an all-out war there.

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This statement may be true but only if you accept without question the nature of American foreign policy over the last two hundred and fifty years. If extension of empire and hegemony was the goal, then yes, LBJ was not as “successful” as some others were.


Here, as indicated above, I agree without reservation.

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But the question was about “before WWII.”

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