Schumer Demands Azar Resign For Failing To Address ‘Chaos’ In HHS

Sounds like the jackbooted thugs at ICE have been hiring not just racist christian extremists but genocidal psychopaths to run their concentration camps. I am betting the doctor was doing this under orders from someone who wanted this done. May be it was the conservative Tumrp appointee who was monitoring the menstrual cycles of all the young immigrant women in cages.

Separate the immigrant mothers’ children, put the kids in concentration camp cages, and remove the uteri of the mothers. What have we become. A lot of people are saying we may have become a white nationalist christian conservative country modeled after Germany prior to World War II and South Africa under the Afrikaaners.

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Black sites always bring out the worst in the worst.

HHS was engaged in targeted Blue State voter hit job.

Which is why Dr. Pepper would be my first choice…


If you think there are politicians of either party who are not beholden to banks, insurance companies (esp medical insurance providers) and corporations of all kind I can only assume you’re not paying attention or were born last year. Nevertheless, he’s the leader of the minority party. With luck and good fortune he’ll become the majority leader and will be able to do what you expect of him. Other than have an aneurysm on the senate floor.

Dr. Scholl has always been very reliable. Sadly, though, he lets me walk all over him.

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