Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Tuesday called for HHS secretary Alex Azar to resign amid reports on a series of controversies at the department, just as the country approaches nearly 200,000 fatalities from the COVID-19 pandemic.
This is what you get when you place former lobbyists in charge of powerful agencies that are supposed to regulate huge important things - Trump has littered the entire government with these land mines of stupidity, greed and ambition. This is not public service, it is self service to the detriment of the public.
HHS and DHS are the two two departments most directly responsible for protecting the American people. Instead, they are both making concerted efforts to screw us.
Azar belongs in prison, not on the unemployment roll.
Exactly. This is willful omission to act designed to cause the spread of a killer disease, “one that rips you apart,” throughout Democratic states, all for political gain. Trump, Pence, Kushner, Azar, Birx, and all of the criminal co-conspirators, aiders and abeters, need to be tried and jailed (and sentenced to death if the federal Code allows).
I’m posting a somewhat OT link to the uterus collector story, because this is the consequence of Republicon policies and Trump, and these are the people who also need to be jailed.
Everyone involved needs to be exposed, publicaly tried, and jailed, from the Doctor, the nurses, the facility director, on down. Every. Single. One.
How many votes in the Senate are needed for confirmation? How many vulnerable Republican Senators are up for re-election? And how many people has the candidate to run HHS killed by mismanagement?
It’s not mismanagement. A deadly virus spreading in Democratic states is exactly what they wanted. This is criminal refusal to carry out one’s sworn public duty. Jail is in order.
Yes, I am curious about Chad Wolf’s DHS nomination, too, last Thursday – can he possibly be confirmed after all the crap he’s been involved with? This is the GOP’s chance #335 to show they are not part of a cult that will do anything to maintain power.
A call for a resignation for, first, Caputo, and now Azar. And on whose behalf are they lying and obfuscating the truth regarding a deadly virus? That’s right, Trump. Why newspapers and others aren’t demanding his resignation, especially after the Woodward tapes (and especially when they called for Bill Clinton’s head on a platter), I’ll never know.
Let us not forget Azar was the new and improved alternative to actual law breaker Tom Price (still waiting for that insider trading indictment - anybody?).
Anybody remember Scott Pruitt? I mean, I don’t even want to try to count the number of assholes that Trump and the Republicans have managed to inflict on us in the last 4 years.
Trump has been doing all of his appointments and nominations using some terrible combination of central casting, FOX news, and his own deeply flawed mind. But his number one requirement is that it be someone who has sworn to destroy or hollow out the agency that they were appointed to lead. Most of these guys have the full approval of the Republicans, especially the ones that involve any kind of science. This is all a product of the Republicans’ idea of appropriate governance.
But surely the economy has totally recovered now that we’ve gotten rid of those pesky environmental regulations. Because they were the only things holding business back.
Is there anyone in the admin who should not be asked to resign or be fired. Even with no one left standing to act his henchman, we’d be better off. Career government employees whose names we’ll never know are the backbone of the government, not the grifters who are appointed and told to go out and do harm.