Schiff: We’re ‘Preliminary’ To Potential Impeachment

House Intelligence chair Adam Schiff (D-CA) said on Sunday that Democrats are in the “preliminary” stage of impeaching President Donald Trump.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

Like it or not Chuckles, it is what it is.


I think this is exactly the right legal maneuver, and I understand that care is required in the language, but I hope the Dems can express this in a simpler soundbite than “preliminary to a potential” impeachment. Sounds pretty weak for something this aggressive.

That said, damn the torpedoes!


Interesting to see Schiff say this.


It’s about time because our democracy, sovereignty, liberty and justice/rule of law embodied by USC is being attacked by unpatriotic people from within and from adversarial foreign nation(s).

When the White/Suprecaicists/ CONServatives/MAGAts/Rs/Trump decry that they are fighting for their existential threat - the threat that they are referring to, is the existential threat of them losing their political power/white privilege in order to satisfy their greed, corruption, criminality and hatred.

For the rest of us, our existential threat are the attacks to the heart soul of our country and to who we are as Americans!


Imagine the difference between TODAY and when the TPM article (“Schiff Throws Cold Water on Impeachment”) appeared a few days ago.


But I doubt very much that you’d want to get close enough to the Outhouse Shit-Urine plant to smell it…


Yes, it’s never a good idea to take any headline at face value.


It’s no difference at all, if you consider that Impeachment would be a grease fire…


This is what we’ve wanted: an Impeachment investigation, and no doubt approved by Speaker Pelosi. I expect staffers will work hard over the recess, while awaiting a Judicial decision. And -come September, after the summer doldrums -when Americans are paying attention, things will start to heat up. The timing appears to be impeccable, almost as if it were strategized or something.


Chuck Todd: Where’re the optics?


It would seem that if the process were to go into full stream action after the summer break the fastest way to get rid of Trump would still be the November election. Is this correct? How fast will the process go in the most ideal situation? How much can McConnell slow the process to attempt to win the election? Who’s advantage would it be if the impeachment process is going on at the time of the election?

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It’s not preliminary until Chief Optics Officer Upchuck Toady says it’s preliminary.


It’s still the only way. With the Senate refusing to convict, any impeachment is symbolic (worth it, IMHO, but symbolic nonetheless).

Months, at best. Using Watergate as your metric, from start to finish, that took 2 years (including investigations prior to the impeachment hearings). So if we use January 2019 as the starting point, we’re still early in the timeline.

Depends on when the House passes articles of impeachment. He has no role before then.

The million-dollar question, which is the subject of all of the debate between the Pelosi’s and the Nadlers of the world. Don’t want to have a Pyrrhic victory of winning articles of impeachment only to have him re-elected as a result. And nobody knows exactly what would happen.


It could be early-mid preliminary, but not quite mid-late preliminary.

But, I guess that depends on how it ‘looks’ at the moment.



Wouldn’t surprise me that Donnie would suffer from preliminary impeachment…

Melania, too…


I honestly don’t think Trump cares about impeachment - in his mind it would just add to his brand. Start talking about some asset forfeiture and he may start caring.


“I think that for the purposes of the law and Constitution, where we are now is most accurately described as preliminary to a judicial proceeding,” Schiff said. “And that judicial proceeding is a potential impeachment.”

In various cases suing to prevent Congress (House Ds) from prying information e.g. his taxes

TeamTreason: This is only allowed if judicial proceeding.

House Ds: You need a judicial proceeding as pretext? Ok fine.



And I honestly think you’re wrong.

He wants a Nobel Prize, not “impeached” next to his name from now on.