Democratic leadership at all levels must pledge an oath: Nuremberg 2021
And your point is?
If Trump refuses oversight over the stimulus, there shouldn’t be a second one. The economy will collapse, and ruin his opportunity at re-election. I’m aware innocent hardworking Americans will suffer, but if it isn’t done properly, they would suffer regardless. They shouldn’t get the dregs, while Trump rides off with the meat of it.
No nation is better equipped to instantly remove Trump than this one.
For example, it was revealed that Democrats actually contributed to Trump’s rise in popularity during this Covid-19 crisis. **
That would only happen in a country which still believes that Trump is NOT the most dangerous human in it.
When we stop making $$$$$$$$ off of him, maybe we can coalesce and force his resignation.
** Yes indeed. Some Democrats “rallied around the president”
Well, if I am an example, that’s a losing bet. I’ve already cut my viewing to pretty much on news show a day. I can’t stand to watch more than that. I’ve become a huge fan of watching spring rain on YouTube as background.
It’s not a “press leak” when it’s an open letter, doofus. This guy is so over his head.
Like his boss. One idiot deserves the other. Did he hashtag Trump is the Chosen One?
" Greed and Fear Collide: Wall Street Calls Traders Back to Office"
I wonder if Grenell knows that Trump will leave him holding the bag on COVID-19, andTrump not “getting the information soon enough to stop the virus from coming here”, I mean isn’t blaming the underling in Trump’s DNA?
The main point is that any attention directed at the Democratic nomination is a waste of time until at least June. Biden and his team should working to suck whatever media oxygen they can in the interim, and, yes, it is a tall order…
And if you don’t get the Reichstag metaphor, well, not much I can say…
So Grenell accuses Schiff of politicizing the process? That’s fucking rich.
Can’t they just carve out a little work space in the Oval Office?
This is all goes along with a fail to imagine the worst, a lack of empathy is part of this, and all lack of knowledge of how other political systems work, how other country’s political systems work, and history.
There really is nothing new under the sun. Don’t these people read and understand that bible they keep waving around?
Ecclesiastes 1:9 New International Version (NIV)
9 What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.
Man, it just never stops.
Day after damn day, they just keep shitting all over America.
It’s great again only if you like swimming in the sewers.
Of course I got the Reichstag metaphor, I just don’t see how that ties into anything Bernie had to say.
And they should be forewarned that there will be a serious accounting in the future of what they are doing now. Honestly, these people do not understand that.
It doesn’t but there are few people here that for whatever reason have it out for him…
"Schiff added that Grenell’s overhaul calls into question both his commitment to ensuring that the Intelligence Community’s (IC) work ‘is not inappropriately influenced by political considerations’ and that the IC ‘will continue to speak truth to power.’”
That Adam, he is SUCH a card!