Schiff Letter To Grenell | Talking Points Memo

From the NBC piece referenced by Kyle Griffin, it is one of Jared’s frat boys

The closure of two locations within the FEMA complex indicates that the “partner” who tested positive — partner is a term used for someone who normally doesn’t work for the agency — was in both places, according to the FEMA official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of a lack of authority to speak publicly.


Those I most wish to read your post are ABC, CBS and NBC news who go on as if we are in a terrible situation with a government who is watching out for us.


But–they might be accused of…of…Liberal Bias!!!


Oh? You mean like Putin is being held accountable? Or Victor Orban? Oh, of course. You must be talking about Recep Erdoğan.

Don’t kid yourself. Once people (in general, not just those paying attention) start to really ask questions, that will be be time to crack down. It’s not like they’re hiding it. Or even trying to.

Trump’s bitching and moaning about Ds doing stuff during the crisis, most of which is for good and just makes Trump look bad. He on the other hand is trying to sneak power grab stuff though while folks are distracted by the virus.

edit: Yeah like this

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Schiff added that Grenell’s overhaul calls into question both his commitment to ensuring that the Intelligence Community’s (IC) work “is not inappropriately influenced by political considerations” and that the IC “will continue to speak truth to power.”


If the demonrats would just leave tRump alone and stop investigating him every time he does anything illegal, unconstitutional or amoral then the poor guy could focus on doing his presidential duties grifting, golfing and campaign rallies! :rage:


“Treason doth never prosper. What’s the reason? Why if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Sir John Harrington (1561-1612)


The horror show that is this administration just keeps getting worse and worse, each and every day. I still do not understand why the main networks continue to broadcast this farce each day. To get real news, not campaign rhetoric and lies, lies, lies, one has to turn to other sources, as I do with TPM.

Btw, anyone who was wondering why Trump keeps pumping the use of hydroxychloroquinine, need only read today’s article on Political Wire that stated "Trump has investments in French company Sanofil that makes the drug. And of course, his buddies including senior executives with connections to the president stand to profit from the increased sales of the drug that Trump keeps pushing every day despite the warnings and cautions espoused by Dr. Fauci and other medical experts. But then, why are we not surprised! Money, profits, and sales over the lives of the dying Americans! Just sick!

As a West Michigan resident, I feel qualified to assert that Grenell is a typical West Michigan hypocritical piece of shit straight from the DeVos-Prince festering sewer of disease.

I am sure that there were private discussions and he knew the letter was coming. He’s just unhappy that Schiff, who has been the subject of anti-semitic insults for months, isn’t going to let him commit treason in private.

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