So, tribalism. That’s your excuse for hating the only candidate not beholding to any special interests? Not his policies, or anything of substance, just the title next to his name? And we wonder why we ever got stuck with Trump…
I agree he will not be the nominee. But I don’t think he gets annihilated. I think he continues to raise money from his supporters who want a revolution and/or to stick it to the corporate democratic party. He continues to get roughly 25-30% of the vote (“winning” - i.e. coming in first - in a few states like CA) until the convention. Then he, his supporters, the Russians, Trump, and probably the Chinese, all claim it was “rigged” against Bernie.
Hopefully he actually campaigns for eventual nominee.
Up yours. He stumped for HRC 41 times. HRC stumped for Obama how many? That’s right, 8 times. Like I said, up yours.
Almost by definition party is a tribe. And the opposition (not hate, opposition) is precisely to the lack of any substance in his slogans (“political revolution” and his other slogans can not be called policies, and he explicitly refuses to enunciate any policy details beyond “political revolution”).
Angry child post.
Go vent elsewhere.
Just slogans? From Bernie Sanders? Nothing substantive? Wow, if only he had a 40-year verifiable track record on his policies and beliefs that we the public could somehow stumble upon…
41 times vs. 8. Refute it, if you can.
Nope not Tribalism- I don’t hate him but I definitely do not support his carpet bag candidacy. Bernie is beholden to a special interest- the purity caucus as exemplified by the “Bernie Bro” where the members of the Democratic Party are supposed to believe that Bernie will ride such a massive electoral landslide of people that have never engaged in the political process before that he will vanquish the republicans so thoroughly that he will deliver a 67 seat majority in the senate ( a body of which he has been a member of for years with no actual transformative legislation authored and passed under his name- where he cannot even get a bare majority of Democratic Party colleagues to support his position) and a majority in the house well in excess of the current majority to usher in this transformative utopia of which he speaks. He has never exhibited in his entire career an ability to compromise to build the necessary coalition to enact his plans and there is scant evidence that the revolution is materializing in this election cycle. I live in central Pennsylvania where I know and am related to many Obama/Trump voters and I am committed to trumps defeat by working tirelessly to switch them back to the Democrat. I can achieve this for any candidate but Bernie. If Bernie is the nominee they will reluctantly hold their nose and vote for trump to stop Bernie taxing them into perdition and throwing open our borders to unlimited immigrants and refugees who will then bankrupt the country with all the free education, Food assistance, and health care, all the while destroying the economy to give everyone free stuff and finance green boondoggles to save the environment and take everyone’s guns away. that is exactly how the trump campaign will spend their 2 billion plus dollars to paint him as terrifying.And that is why Bernie will lose Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, And he won’t fare any better in Florida, Arizona, Virginia etc. And after all that risk his supporters will not get anything that he is promising because the republicans are not just going to disappear or play dead and he will either dig in for Purity sake (likely) or make a “sellout” compromise that could have been achieved by a more centrist pol.
I mean, you (huge swaths of members of the Democratic Party you’re speaking for) want the votes he represents… or more accurately you take for granted the votes he represents and cry endlessly when only 88% of them vote D even when their policy goals are rejected and openly mocked along with their candidate by your kind of Ds… but yeah, it’s a bummer for you guys he’s not actually a D. Maybe you guys should kick him out of the caucus and stop assuming entitlement over portions of the electorate you don’t actually represent, if it bothers you so much.
Name the actual legislation that accomplished any of the stuff he talks about?
Well he only polls between 25% and 30% of the democratic party electorate that votes and he hasn’t delivered these new revolutionary voters to the polls yet so the available evidence suggest that the 75% of democrats that vote for someone else should maybe have more weight in this decision. If his 25% thinks their policy goals are better served by taking their votes and stomping off home well then they, and us , get Trump.
If you can? Up yours?
I guess I should not try to speak for the site and tell you to grow up or go the hell away. So… I’ll just say grow up.
Seriously, a lot of commenters here are delusional. Sanders endorsed Trump, don’t you know? They repeat these myths to convince themselves even when the facts are repeatedly laid out. There is a lot of serious establishment D tribalism here.
Who has said that Sanders has endorsed trump? I will wait for you to cut and paste the text…
Either prove me wrong or stop attacking Sanders for stuff he’s never said or done. Easy.
Yeah. So, you’d think the professionals would be smarter than to play that out, right? I do not understand why so many people are obsessed with blaming the playing field when it comes to the electorate. If Dems can’t figure out how to work with the reality of the electorate, yeah, four more years of Trump is what they deserve.
Actual legislation? That’s the only metric you care about? Take off your blinders and smell the earth burning why don’t you.
You have to vote to be considered part of the electorate. The entire premise of Bernies campaign is that there are so many people that haven’t voted that will to sweep him into office. Just tell me when they are going to show up and I will shut up. They have not actually appeared yet. and news flash, the 2018 wave was achieved by flipping red districts blue…not one single Bernie backed candidate did that- because they can’t and where is his governing majority going to come fromL
Rotflmfao…Actual legislation is the whole ball game…and legislation that survives a Supreme Court challenge at that. And the electoral ballgame is delegates to the nominating convention and electoral college numbers in the general. We are a republic, not a direct democracy. Bernie supporters spend too much time whining about results in contests that the rules were known before they even entered.
You are delusional.
Your claims of what I posted are lies.
Gosh, exquisitely ironic given you declaring Sanders should never be attacked for stuff he’s never said or done.