There’s a new twist in the drama that has unexpectedly emerged between Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT).
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There’s a new twist in the drama that has unexpectedly emerged between Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT).
Sanders’ MO towards Warren is starting to look like his MO against Hillary. Disturbing.
The report sounds plausible. B.S. being B.S.
Sanders Vehemently Denies Report That He Told Warren A Woman Can’t Win WH
When Warren reportedly pointed out that she would be a strong candidate due to her economic prowess and ability to gain support from female voters, Sanders replied that the odds are against women.
I wonder who (what candidate) could possibly benefit from this?
It’s worth pointing out how colossally different are the following two statements:
Sanders replied that the odds are against women
Women can’t win
Human memory is a squishy, imprecise thing. I think it’s possible they both think they’re telling the truth, which is depressing and won’t lead anywhere good.
I can’t wait until we have had a woman president or three and we never have to argue this specific point again.
Direct quote from the CNN story:
Sanders responded that he did not believe a woman could win.
Maybe actually read the article before you whine your way to a Bernie pity party.
Deja Vu…
All over again…
h/t Yogi Berra
The Donald?
Maybe you should ask yourself what CNN means by “sources say.”
“I did not say that a woman could not win. I said, ‘You, as a woman, cannot win.’ Big difference.”
This is all so embarrassing. Look at the facts here. Who stands to gain from these reports? What does the timing of these reports suggest? Can someone show me how Sanders “trashed” Warren? I’m undecided on a candidate, and will support whoever wins, but all of this worries me tremendously. We should be consistent with our expectations of how candidates behave, resist emotional manipulation, and prepare ourselves to support whomever wins the nomination.
just so its clear…
Everyone except Bernie and Warren. My bet it’s the Corportist Cabal plus Pelosi, Biden, Obama and the usual suspects. A progressive in the WH! OMG!!
ETA: You may be right, The Donald! Four more years of Trump b/c the DNC and the Biden Gang want nothing to do with progressives in WH, b/c “the business of America is business.”
Granted, just another snapshot in time…
History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes.
Fun how much we are basing things on polls from Iowa which isn’t demographically representative of the party and votes in a non democratic way, and its voting in a new way this year further making polling hard.
this week will be fun.
Yep, the polls change almost as often as Donnie lies…
currently mangling ‘Dancehall Domine’