Originally published at: Sanders Calls Out Trump’s New Crowd Size Lies For What They Are: A Foundation For Election Denialism - TPM – Talking Points Memo
My colleague, TPM reporter Khaya Himmelman, and I have been very focused over the last several months on covering moments when Donald Trump and his allies tell us how they are going to behave in the fall if Trump loses — or if he appears to be losing in states that would be key to…
Sanders Calls Out Trump's New Crowd Size Lies For What They Are: A Foundation For Election Denialism
News outlets were leaked insider material from the Trump campaign. They chose not to print it
The why:
the right decision not to publish details of the Trump campaign material because they can’t be sure of the source… She’s conservative about publishing decisions “because we’re in the misinformation age,” she said.
Thomas Rid, director of the Alperovitch Institute for Cybersecurity Studies at Johns Hopkins, also believes that the news organizations have made the right decision, but for different reasons. He said it appeared that an effort by a foreign agent to influence the 2024 presidential campaign was more newsworthy than the leaked material itself.
Thomas Rid is also author of the excellent book Active Measures: The Secret History of Disinformation and Political Warfare, which I know I have linked here before, but it’s good and these are the times.
also: fRIst
Covering the potential for their losing is only half the gag. The other half is justifying the misdeeds of their believers.
If we had real journalists, we would see every Trump interview begin with one of his lies, “her crowd sizes are fake,” and a straightforward question asking Trump why did he lie. If journalists would follow up with simple questions, Trump would be done. Instead, they constantly rewrite and explain what he allegedly meant, instead of simply using his own words and asking why he is sprading lies.
Breaking News NOT: Donald J. Trump is Pathological!
Sanders is not wrong, but it seems evident that Trump can lie about anything and convince a certain large group of people; and further that he will always have a group of loyal henchmen, such as D’Souza, to help him undermine voter confidence.
If you can convince your supporters that thousands of people who attended a televised rally do not exist, it will not be hard to convince them that the election returns in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and elsewhere are “fake” and “fraudulent.”
It won’t matter because Biden will hand the reins to Harris. We lizard people will tear off our masks, and transport all Trump supporters back to the Alpha Draconis star system to work as sex slaves.
Shhhhhhh. Don’t breathe a word!
You can count on me, mon général. Not a word!
“A man who is too inaccurate to be a clerk and too ignorant and untrained to anything can make his living as a journalists if can string a few cliches together in newspaper English.”
Bernard Shaw
I have seen so many express concern about possible election day shenanigans. It is a legitimate concern but I’m not gonna worry about it. My view is people that are far more politically savvy and experienced than me know what’s going on and have gamed out all possible scenarios and are prepared to act if it comes to that. If Harris’ win is really big then I think the possibility of shenanigans decreases exponentially because it just looks ridiculous.
Also, Joe Biden will still be president. If he has to call for martial law and activate the National Guard he will. He’s got nothing to lose anymore, so he won’t fuck around. He will crush MAGA if need be. We’re not gonna play that movie again. Nope.
I’m generally a giant pessimist with little faith in humanity, but I’m with you on this. If they couldn’t pull it off when Trump was still president they’re not going to manage better with Biden at the helm.
He will destroy them.
And thanks to Mr. Roberts, he has immunity for all official acts!
If Ayatollah once, then Ayatollah a thousand times:
“Iran, if you’re listening …!”
Oh, now they give a fuck … after Hillary’s Emails!!! going 24/7 in 2016?
“Conveniently, the dedicated blog Politico set up about the Podesta emails — that’s right — and was still updating the evening of Election Day [2016] is still up.”
Remember how the coverage of J6th didn’t/doesn’t seem to matter to the Trumpers? Do they think it was AI generated?
“A man hears /sees what he wants to hear /see-and disregards the rest”
DonOLD may make into the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest con.
Bernie might be right, but he is assuming an ability to plan that Fat Nixon does not possess. It is more likely that someone on his campaign staff whispers stuff in his ear, and he repeats it.
Real journalists? Really? Who?
We have billionaires who pay scrivners to write the stories they want.
Joy Reed put up a panel this evening talking about the Republican party’s efforts to steal the next election by doing what they did in 2020 but this time with criminals in place and lawyers who have gamed what happened. If America doesn’t want to be a supersized Venezuela we need to make sure we win so many votes in the electorial college Republicans won’t dare back Trump’s play in Congress. The best way to do that is expand the map and crush any claim Trump might make in Georgia and the other states he has seeded with his criminal Republican gangs. If we don’t we might end up in a real mess. Also win as many House and Senate seats as possible. The Rahm Emanual bullshit of just winning enought states to win the Presidency has to end.
Information on Trump’s Asheville NC rally for tomorrow. It will be held in a 2,431 capacity Thomas Wolfe Auditorium, owned by the city. According to a report the city has received an advanced payment of $82,247.60 for a two-day rental.
On September 12, 2016 Trump held an Asheville rally in the larger US cellar center, 7,654 capacity. According to an article in the Asheville Times, the rally was marred by protesters shouting racist at Trump and Trump supporters attacking the protesters.
So Trump has downsized his rally size by 2/3 for 2024 compared to 2016.