1968, 1980, 2000, 2016…2020?
Meh. When we finally get that Goldilocks President (you know…the one that’s Juuust Right) we’ll just expand the court to 40 justices and nominate all Liberals!
At least that’s the prevailing theory as I understand it.
1968, 1980, 2000, 2016…2020?
Meh. When we finally get that Goldilocks President (you know…the one that’s Juuust Right) we’ll just expand the court to 40 justices and nominate all Liberals!
At least that’s the prevailing theory as I understand it.
Pancreatic Cancer
While pancreatic cancer survival rates have been improving from decade to decade, the disease is still considered largely incurable. According to the American Cancer Society, for all stages of pancreatic cancer combined, the one-year relative survival rate is 20%, and the five-year rate is 7%.
What better reason to impeach? It would be the best public opinion argument for why he doesn’t get to nominate the next Justice. Both his last year and he’s been impeached…
He couldn’t nominate someone if he’s under impeachment proceedings? Is that true???
While the Constitution does not supply the limits for the number of judges on the Supreme Court, freeing the Congress to make that determination; the term for Justices is by negative implication for life.
The conservative supreme court justices will be siding with the oligarchs, christian religious fanatics, gun nuts and despoilers of the environment and against the common good even as the last tracts of the rain forest are destroyed and coastal areas are flooded by sea level rise. Something terrible is happening. They do not understand.
those doctors at sloan Kettering need your help badly. there you sit on a blog prescribing. lol. ???
As much as I love RBG, I will never forgive her if she dies under Trump. She had 8 (7 I guess realistically) years to put a stamp on her legacy and retire under Obama. I don’t know what the hold up was. But stop telling me what amazing health she’s in. We can’t go 3 months without a serious scare.
Why now, aren’t you just a bundle of happy news.
I tried to do this, but I cannot, without tears, talk about RBG’s life as though it was some sort of calculation. That is what the modern GOP has done.
If the Right has it’s “desires fulfilled”, Roberts becomes the Fourth “liberal” Justice in a slew of 4-4 decisions until another RWNJ takes RBG’s place. At that point, things can go south.
The last year of the Trump Administration starts 1/21/20 and we have got to keep that additional RWNJ Justice as far away from SCOTUS as possible, using that Rule. And if Mitchie Moscow goes against that, we have to fight it as much and more as he fought against Merrick Garland
Kavanaugh, as we know from his bravura performance and supporting actors, has two young children. How the fuck can’t he understand?
Pollyanna by birth perhaps.
But pragmatist by experience.
Or they do understand perfectly well, and those top-secret end-of-world preparations are well underway…
If you read closely, we haven’t dodged that bullet yet. Pancreatic cancer has a dim outlook. Typically that’s because it’s aggressive and not found til late, so her prognosis may be better. “No evidence of disease elsewhere in the body” is obviously good, but a “tumor treated definitively” is still a tumor.
You’ve got nothing. He’ll kill the filibuster and just ram it through.
About the only possibility would be the actual occupation of the Senate chamber to prevent any votes happening, but it’s impractical to believe that any group could maintain physical control for any length of time.
And that’s for people of all ages. This is obviously not good. Typically people only discover pancreatic tumors when the disease has progressed. Let’s hope this was found because they give her monthly full-body x-rays and not because she was exhibiting other problems. (And yes, I know monthly x-rays are not a good idea for an octogenarian or anyone else.)
Democrats won’t be able to without winning the Presidency, 2/3 of the Senate and keeping or increasing their margin in the House. Not even FDR could get that done. But I won’t object if they can, so long as the number is kept odd. And they probably could use some more judges, given how much the country has grown since they went “up” to nine.
Unfortunately, in my lifetime anyway, Democratic VOTERS have not cared as much about the SCOTUS or the Courts in general as much as Republican voters have. Only the abortion issue seems to be able to wake many of them up at all. Which leads me to be more pessimistic than ever that the number of justices would ever change.
If there was any reason for Ds to vote for Hillary, even if you couldn’t otherwise stand her, it would have been for the the sake of the SCOTUS. Had she won, so many things would have been different already with regard to things like Citizens United, the Voting Rights Act, etc. Instead, they’re stepping back into the 1940s in many areas.
But Democrats got complacent over the decades, or never could be bothered to learn about the Court system, or have been in denial that their world could ever REALLY change due to the SCOTUS. And we’ve been hearing that Roe v Wade was about to get overruled for decades (and we are not far from it, literally or practically now) and you can only cry wolf so many times before no one takes it seriously.
I think Democrats just have come to believe that certain things would never happen simply because they have never seen it in their life experience, and many are pretty “provincial”–in that they know little of what’s going on elsewhere in the country or how people think outside their own metro areas.
But not to worry. I am assured by innumerable progressives that we just have to hold out for the right President (no Shrill Corporatists or DINO’s) and then we can pack the courts, arrest all the GOP’rs, ban the guns, beat the militia’s swords into plowshares, the Lion will lie down with the Lamb and we will establish a thousand year Democratic Socialist Nirvana.
The darkest hour comes just before the dawn!
I doubt they would have the nerve once the Republicans stated screaming. But you’re right, can’t think of an alternate choice.
There is no fillibuster for Supreme Court nominees. If RBG dies at almost any time before January 4, 2021 (assuming a Democratic takeover of the Senate), or all the way up to January 20, if the Republicans retain the Senate, we’ll have a new Republican appointed Justice to replace her. There is nothing Democrats can do to stop McConnell.