Wish i could trade my cancer for hers…
and yes I had surgery for a squamous cell cancer on 25th of July
Someone tell me how to wage all out war against the Senate if the unthinkable happens. Stay strong RBG.
No new Justices in the last year of a term I believe is the McConnell precedent.
Hang in there Ruth! Luv ya!
I sure hope she can and I am sure she wants to, but David Koch’s death reminds us that not all the money on earth can stave off cancer forever. RBG has used up a number of her nine lives already. I hope she has a couple left. If anything happens to her in the next 15 months, Moscow Mitch will be waiting to ram someone through, I am sure. And if he does, Samuel Alito will become the political fulcrum or middle of the Court and CJ Roberts will fall on the “liberal” side of the Court. Nov. 2016: the gift that keeps giving.
Well this probably means Trump will get reelected. The evengelicals will come out in force while Democrats will be bickering over which candidate is the most pure and why not voting at all is the best message to send since both parties are the same…
We need to start a viral rumor that Obama really proposed Merrick Garland to keep him off the Supreme Court forever, knowing that McConnell would stop the nomination, because Garland is actually the cleverly disguised JFK Jr., who can’t reveal his true identity until he is safely sworn in. Something something Hillary pizza sex dungeons we can’t let Obama get away with this again.
The pessimistic view is SO inspiring. That’ll get voters out for sure! <\s>
Yes. And when nominating Michelle Obama, make sure it’s a nomination for Chief Justice.
[Saw RBG’s image]
That was the LONGEST headline I’ve ever read.
Thankful she’s still with us.
Did anyone else almost lose their shit?
Umm … no.
You’re talking about Mitch McConnell. He has no word, that’s his precedent.
The evangelicals are going to come out regardless, but I would hope that Democrats are bit more motivated this time around…
Oh lord help us. If he gets another seat, I might just have to leave the country. I just renewed my passport. IT CANNOT HAPPEN. McConnell will have someone through in nanoseconds. Every Dem needs to be asked: Will you expand the court? Joe? Waiting to hear from you.
This is that periodic intermission point in the story where I tell every single person who didn’t vote or voted third party in 2016: F**k you.
You can say it, khyber. It’s okay. This headline damn well deserves it.
Cnn.com reports the tumor was treated “definitively”. And she says she’s very much alive. I hope “definitively” means what I think it means.
I can commiserate as my cancer surgery this past July was my second. Not pancreatic cancer but any sort will get your attention. And contrary to accepted thinking… it does not mean you are dead. Not by any means.
You really should get on that. Once he gets another seat, he’s going full dictatorship. And there will be a border lockdown while he identifies democrats for his (private, for-profit-run) re-education camps. So your passport ain’t gonna help you.
3 weeks is not intensive when I was at sloan I received 5 weeks. that was 10 years ago and Im still here Ruth Bader will hang on god will bless her we need her to combat this evil
Oy. You’re a honorary Jew today, Troy. Just anointed for the negativity part, NOTHING POLITICAL so back off, everyone. Mazel Tov.