Russia’s War Tests Evangelicals’ Support Of Putin As An Anti-LGBTQ World Leader

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Give the Johnson Amendment some sharp teeth and let it loose on Franklin Graham and all of his ilk!!!


Of course Franky Graham Cracker embraces his “brother in christ” Putin.


Regardless if one identifies with any of the organized religions that evolved in the Middle East, we in the west still adhere to basic values that are common in all of them. I don’t have to spell them out. So when some con asshat suggests that they align themselves up with Putin as opposed to Biden, it’s not about religious or layperson values. It’s about advancing their particular political, social and religious dogma in disguise.


Is there a False Prophet evangelicals won’t embrace?

I’d give anything if there really was a Jesus and he really was coming back tomorrow or the next day.


Putin will be very happy to let my sister’s family smuggle a couple more Bibles into Russia. This, in exchange for them freely spreading Putinist propaganda throughout their network, Facebook, and otherwise. Putin thanks them for their fine prayers.


No, because religion in general attracts people looking for easy, comfortable answers to life’s big questions. False Prophets are experts at giving them those easy answers.


If all they are looking for is easy answers to the big questions, I direct them to the New Kadampa Buddhists. They literally (I am using that correctly, too,) have an answer for everything and it’s written down in one of Kelsang Gyatso’s books. He founded the sect and I think still runs it.

No, the evangelical christians are looking for something in addition to answers and I think it’s suffering - ours.


Supporting Putin will be the certification of GOP anti-Americanism. No matter how many talking points they offer.

All we have to do is aggressively vote in all coming elections. Returning governance (as opposed to adolescence) in politics will place the GOP in the rear view mirror. This is under our control.

No one else’s.


This isn’t “testing” anything. US white evangelicals support Putin 100% without question and view this as the opening salvos in a long-coming global culture war that God ordained they would emerge from victorious.


Strange that the Big 10 says thou shalt not kill or commit adultery but nothing about LGBTQ.


Prophets, profits…they’re so hard to keep straight.


the QAnon-supporting 2020 Republican candidate for Congress Laura Witzke, who explained in March 2022 that she identifies “more with Putin’s Christian values that I do with Joe Biden.”

That may be the most gobsmacking set of words I’ve read in years. I guess “Christian values” now come down to asking “Who would Jesus execute and leave dead in the street?”


Actually, there was as real Jesus, and he was a far cry from what those who “know him” think. He was a radical against the temple and Roman rule. Here’s a hint: the parable about the “good Samaritan” is not about the Samaritan. It is about the priests. What was there first thing he did when he went to Jerusalem?
I think he was closer to today’s leftist radicals than most evangelicals would be comfortable with.


Someone should give him the Varys treatment and then ask him if he’s still a man.


Franklin is such a monumental fraud he should have it tattooed on his forehead. He is the prototypical preacher’s bad boy son who realized that there was easy money to be made by pretending to be a “christian”. And there is an endless supply of fools who will give him money without a second thought if he promises them “glory in heaven”. There is a sucker born every minute.


I think the suffering is a side effect and not the main point. Evangelicals (and any repressive sect including Muslims and Russian Orthodox) believe that God wants them to live a certain way, with women subservient to their husbands, no abortions for any reason, and anything but hetero sex is an abomination.

Which means those people over there need to live that way too, because anyone having a full, enriching life is a counter-example of how there’s more than one way to live a good life Therefore religion must be embedded in civil government to compel everyone else to follow their rules. It results in cruelty, but cruelty isn’t the main point for most believers. Of course there are some evil, manipulative exceptions.


Actually I don’t believe there is any proof of that. But I do agree that the NT Jesus is much more of a hippie than not and he doesn’t get along with the Pharisees, who are a pretty perfect stand-in for evangelical christianity.


I understand that they have this need to see everyone live as they do, but nobody is going to do any living much longer in the belief system here because it’s all End Times oriented. They expect everyone but themselves to get their comeuppance when the Big Man comes back. And they think he’s due any minute now (they’ve thought so for the last 2000 years. Narrator.)


Given that modern evangelicals are overwhelming in their glowing endorsements of Jewish socialist hippies without jobs, I must agree completely.