As the President Donald Trump continues to refuse to accept the results of the 2020 election, multiple officials from previous administrations have expressed concern about the national security implications of withholding key information from the Biden transition team.
Why would Republicans care about that? If there were a terrorist attack next year, even if it happened on January 21st, Republicans would just blame the whole thing on Biden. So many Americans would be either stupid enough, or craven enough to buy it, that it would work.
But there have already been growing numbers of people clamoring for this. That number will further grow, arithmetically or geometrically (probably the latter).
I am inevitably reminded of the Project for the New American Century, and its call for a “catalyst, like a new Pearl Harbor” to bring about the realizing of neocon dreams.
Yeah, not buying this. This is just a way to blame Clinton for Bush not paying attention to a PDB that was even fucking titled “Bin Laden determined to attack in America”, let alone all the briefings where Clinton people begged them to pay attention.
Nope, the blame will be squarely on Emily Murphy. If something happened then she’s the one going to court, and then jail. You could say “she’ll be going through somethings”, maybe the first female GITMO detainee.
Well said. I seem to recall plenty of urban legend-style idiocy about the transition, like the canard about removing all the W keys from the computers. The only reason to tolerate such crap now is if it sways a few more Republicans. I mean, who am I kidding, though? They aren’t swayable.
When the Bush administration came in their focus was on Iraq and they seemed to downplay the threat posed by Al Quida. It’s as if like Richard Clark said they “ignored the flashing red light”.
The August 6th 2001 PDB “Bin laden determined to attack” is akin to Trumps January and February ignoring the coronavirus data and Woodward recording.
In Dubya’s case, I recall he brushed off warnings about Osama directly from Clinton himself. And neither he nor Condi* let the PDB entitled Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US [6-Aug-2001] distract from their silly missle defense shield fixation. So hard to blame his failures on a rushed transition. But I guess in terms of making something go right now, you have to take your allies where you find them.
*Condi specialized in international relations with the Soviet Union. You go to war with the experts & enemies you wish you had, not the ones your really have.
"“Further delaying the Biden team’s ability to access the President’s Daily Brief and other national security information and resources compromises the continuity and readiness of our national leadership, with potentially immense consequences for our national security.” "
Feature, not a bug.
When are we going to start reading articles that get it right? All the breathless “this is why it’s bad for them to do this!!!” seems to completely ignore the fact “all the bad is exactly WHY they do this!!!”
What a pantload. Just revisionist bunk from the Bush hacks, using the current GOP’s idiocy to fabricate an excuse for their own incompetence and negligence twenty years ago.