Rushed 2000 Transition Hampered Gov. Before 9/11, Former Officials Warn As Trump Delays | Talking Points Memo

Check out Rudy. I rest my case.


Rushed 2000 Transition Hampered Gov. Before 9/11, Former Officials Warn

Oh, bullshit. What hampered the government was the Bush administration’s frequently verbalized policy of “ABC”. “Anything But Clinton”. If Clinton was for it, they were against it. So when Bush was explicitly warned about likely impending terrorism from OBL, his response was, “Ok, now you’ve covered your ass. Next.”


This is BULLSHIT. I was literally, just listening to the Stephanie Miller show, and they were speaking about how this is bullshit. If the attack happened in February I could understand this argument but it was nine months after Bush took office. Perhaps ignoring intelligence reports had a bigger effect on 9/11 than 36 days waiting for an election outcome.


Are you a fellow StephHead?!!??

RepubliCONs blamed Clinton for both the Feb’ 1993 WTC attack AND the Sept 11th attack. You sir are ABSOLUTELY correct!


The rushed 2000 transition no doubt hampered Gov. before 9/11. But let’s not confuse things. The Bush administration on the eve of the attack had their eye off the ball, to put it mildly. This is encapsulated in George W. Bush’s response to receiving the PDB that stated “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S”. Bush told the CIA briefer: “All right. You’ve covered your ass, now.” They fucked up. They were incompetent. See Richard Clarke’s Against All Enemies: Inside America’s War on Terror—What Really Happened. Then they lied the country into their Iraq war.



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I went to one of the FSTV lunches with her & the mooks. They are just as amazing, warm, & interesting in person as on the radio!

Sexy Liberals, assemble!!!


Exactly. And if Condi Rice had done her job when specifically warned about the possibility of terrorists using planes, 9/11 probably would not have happened. She has more blood on her hands than anyone in America and should be in jail for failing to do her fundamental job to protect the nation. And after being briefed about the possibility of plane attacks and then 9/11 occurring, she had the actual gall to say days later “Who would have thought they would use planes as weapons?”. And of course the media let her off completely.


Most of his base are absolutely convinced that the election has been stolen. His denials and delays will make it difficult for Biden to govern. Perhaps that’s (part of) the goal?

My wife saw the live tour show in 2011.

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A rushed transition could have dire effects, but give me a fucking break. The attacks occurred 7 months after Bush was inaugurated. It was their sheer incompetence and willful ignorance towards foreign policy that resulted in the 9/11 attacks. Stop spreading this bullshit, TPM. It’s just the Bush scofflaws once again refusing to take responsibility for their criminal fuck-ups.


The whole narrative about Smooth Transition…and a Trump Administration- misses every point: (The words said together are discordant.) Even if Trump had graciously conceded and invited Joe & Jill to the W.H.- there would still be chaos.

Really. What do you suppose a Trump Administration Intelligence (?) Briefing would look/sound like. Come on now:
We-all-know who Trump’s Experts are: Sycophants.

We know they hid inconvenient facts from him.

Could a Biden Team really expect to get accurate intel?

With so much wrong in-and-with this administration, a gigantic Pink Slip needs to be sent out to everyone hired during the Trump fiasco (except those actually hired under Civil Service exam protocols).
That means Rudy Ghouliani’s son must go-too.


And that memo came in August, IIRC. Not January. Or even February or March.
Can hardly blame Clinton for GWB’s Saddam fixation.


dubya received a PDB on August 6, 2001 warning “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” He blew it off, Condi blew it off saying it didn’t amount to a real warning. Supposedly dubya looked at and said to his briefers something like OK you’ve done your job. Thanks for sharing. The outgoing Clinton administration tried to warn the incoming bushies about Al Qaeda but they didn’t take them seriously either.

republicans talk about loving their country and it’s all been lies. But dubya did tell Americans to go shopping, so there’s that.


Beat me to it.
I do console myself with the thought he’s unlikely to live long enough to “run” in 2024.


Feelings, nothing more than feelings, all of the loser’s that is.


Title of this cover is “Hope Again”, it’s all we need to know.


If it happened in Feb 2001, they may have had an argument with transition delays. However, 9/11 happened over 8 months after the transition ended. That is 100% on the Bush team.