RonJon Wants To Know: Why Is The Government Rushing To Vaccinate Everyone? | Talking Points Memo

How are these people still alive?

Paging Charles Darwin


I got my chip shots with a very techie cohort at the Microsoft Conference Center across from HQ.
Iā€™m thinking Iā€™m fairly safe.


Iā€™m thinking that RonJonā€™s problem with vaccines comes down to the fact that in order to understand and deal with them, one has to understand that viruses evolve. He doesnā€™t believe in evolution, so the fact that the human race has already dealt with the Black Plague means that weā€™re done with that ā€œvirus thingy.ā€


The same way that cockroaches and mosquitos make it.

Survival of the fittest should never be read as Survival of the smartest.


Johnson went on to say that he believes COVID-19 is a good enough pretext for the vast left-wing conspiracy to keep the country locked down.

But whatever you do, dont get a vaccine, which would take us out of this lockdown!!!11!1!

The disconnect is absolutely mind-blowing.


Iā€™ve seen the pictures. They ainā€™t fit.


Now, now. Pretty much everyone is packing the Covid 20 these days.


Bless you for that. Ever since November, Iā€™ve neglected to refill my Brain BleachĀ© supply.


I wish I could just make fun of this guy, but this idiocy is beyond local and a threat to my familyā€™s health. While I and my partner will be fully vaccinated soon, our 4 year daughter will not. Jerks like Ron will ensure the virus continues to circulate and pose an ongoing threat to our childā€™s health. This is so freaking irresponsible.


I know I am and Iā€™m not liking it too well.


Makes perfect sense. The evil leftists are pushing you to get a hugely effective vaccine because they want to keep you locked down forever. Super clear logic there.


And I will be surprised if some entity during next yearā€™s Senate campaign doesnā€™t bring up that infamous Russia trip. It might not be the actual candidate on the Dem side of things, but I can envision a whole bunch of Left PACs doing the job in place of the candidate.

Of course, the Right could very well make up a similar accusation, but hopefully we choose a candidate with a clean record on that angle.


Iā€™ve just been annoyed by the voices in my head offering me discounts on Office 365 if I subscribe.


I would suggest that people like Cruz, Hawley, Cotton, or that shyster John Kennedy are intelligent. What they are are people who donā€™t look at the world like we do. And they know how to play on peopleā€™s emotions, instead of giving them facts and figures. They are in a word ā€œmanipulatorsā€, and their higher educational achievements have allowed them to hone those skills.


And he has some disciples here in Hudson WI:

County COVID cases rising; some protest masks | News |

This was in the local news this am. Of course our schools have been open for in-person for weeks now, so it makes sense that more kids are showing infected.


So you havenā€™t looked up the CVEs?

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I bEg to DiFFer. I drove a RonJon staFFer to worK thiS mornIng and he said thaT rOn is Smart And lives by his convictions. Also, the Staffer haD a good Idea to Get antivaxxers to fax woUld be for Biden to give Trump credit and caLL it the Trump vaX. He was LikeLy the SmartesT just of of CoLLege kid Iā€™ve ever Met. He wanteD me to weigh In on his Magnificent idea. UnforTunately he taLked the Whole time desCribing his Idea I wasnā€™t ablE to teLL him how awesome it was.

He alsO couldnā€™t guaGe my leVel of enthusiasm BecaUse we Have to wear these sTupid masks.

True sTory.


In more ways than one.


They need to get a less carbon and pollution emitting way to cremate over there.


You know I hadnā€™t even thought about that aspect of the crisis over there but yeah.


I donā€™t know if an IQ test is good for anything. Some people are good at taking tests and/or memorizing stuff. I have worked with MIT EEā€™s who did not understand electricity. I have worked with technical PhDs who could not do simple arithmetic, but were brilliant in their fields of study. Many of the engineers I have worked with (I am an engineer, BTW) canā€™t construct a sentence, canā€™t spell, and donā€™t really understand the meanings of words (e.g. insure/ensure/assure).

None of these people are stupid, but many of them are intellectually lazy. But with these republicans, it is often a case of playing dumb, which allows them to justify their absurd positions. I would put Cruz, Cotton and Hawley in the classification.

RonJon seems to be as dumb as a post.