Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), who is among a handful of Republicans who could cast a deciding vote to hear witnesses in the impeachment trial, said Monday that it’s “increasingly important” for the Senate to heart from John Bolton.
Why can’t he just say it’s important? Just wants to leave himself an out using increasing. Those Rethugs are so fricking timid about things of major national importance.
I will believe when it actually happens. I am quite sure there are at least four Republican Senators if not more who would vote in favor of Bolton testifying. The question here is will Moscow Mitch allow it? Stay tuned.
Just wondering if the unimaginable happened and Bolton did testify, would there be a tiny, tiny crack to let in others? Not Biden and son, of course, they know nothing of these criminal acts.
Oh Mittens, you miquetoast loser. The way to actually do something is to announce that you will vote “aye” on the motion to hear witnesses and subpoena documents. Get that ball rolling or GTFO the stage.