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This is special single-issue edition of TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
Thanks for this, David.
It looks like we–all of us citizens–are going to have to be our own democracy’s GSD, because the power structures are choosing to fail us. We have to abandon hope, and yet keep fighting–just like your good brave doggo.
SCOTUS: “We couldn’t possibly know what an official act is, let’s ask the lesser Court”
Vote D.
What an awful human being. Good lord.
WTAF is wrong with that woman? One has to wonder what/who else might be found in that gravel pit.
My cat thinks I’m a sucker….
……Cleo is right…….
What a fucking monster.
Kind of bad time to abandon democracy, just on the week we find out that conservation works.
Expand the court, fer Christ’s sake. Fifteen seats would be about right. If the worst happens and they actually indemnify the President from prosecution, Joe needs to rise to the moment and start making a list.
Maybe Noem should get some dog training from this guy I saw in the UK last fall out exercising his spaniels.
From the Daily Beast story
Afterward, she writes, she decided she also needed to kill a male goat she owned that was “nasty and mean” because it was uncastrated, complaining that the buck “loved to chase” Noem’s children around and would wreck their clothes by knocking them down.
She reportedly writes of the goat that she “dragged him to a gravel pit” like Cricket, but the killing did not go as smoothly. The goat jumped when she pulled the trigger, Noem says, meaning the goat survived the shot. She adds that she went to her truck to get another shell and then “hurried back to the gravel pit and put him down.”
Repost from the other thread:
Noem grew up on a family ranch and farm in South Dakota. It’s not unusual for people in rural areas to “put down” animals with guns in areas like this.
On the other hand, it speaks to a lack of compassion to do it that way, instead of taking the dog to a vet for a humane and comfortable end. Apparently she really did hate that dog. This story needs to be broadcast widely when Trump picks her as VP. I think she’s the one.
She makes the Mittster look like a humanitarian.
I’m still getting my bearings after that Supreme Court performance yesterday.
The prion disease has eaten away any vestiges of decency in the soldout six. They’re looking at bird entrails to find escape routes for the Don.
Awwwww. You hate to see it.