Roger Stone’s attorneys have requested a new trial amid fierce criticism in Washington that President Donald Trump exerted political pressure to help his friend and confidante.
Your part of the EQUAL branch of government is in deep corruption and political swamp!
Are you going to defend the rule of law or just be another Trumpbot or Trump in the Banana Republic of Trump and turn the SC into a Kangaroo Kourt under your watch?
Realizing that you are unlikely to get a pardon is not, in fact, a basis for a new trial. Too bad he know so much about the corruption in this administration. My guess is that they’ll try for a pardon with an executive order that suspends the obligation to testify against the President.
I suspect this is theatrical window-dressing to prepare the ground for the upcoming pardon. Makes it all the easier for Trump to say he’s pardoning Stone because the latter “was treated very unfairly.”
Rule 33a. requires that any Motion for New Trial not based on new evidence just discovered has to be filed within 14 days of the verdict or finding of guilty.
I miss the early days of MSNBC, when Rachel just got started. Every Friday night, she closed her show with a little segment on her cocktail concoctions. It was always a slow Friday news night. I know that she misses those days. I believe she is the only MSNBC star who has her own bar in her office suite, or set.