RNC chair Ronna McDaniel on Sunday denied that the GOP is in danger of losing the Senate, despite President Trump reportedly telling donors this week that it would be “tough” for Republicans to hold onto the Senate after next month’s election.
When the media focal points of your last minute desperation cheerleading team are Ronna and Corey, you know the GOP is sending the best of what’s left.
Hah! Exactly my thought. When this fat lady sings, it will be all over for her too. No respectable GOP PAC or SuperPac would touch her even with Borat’s 10 foot long pole! She’ll be on the breadlines in 2 weeks. I say, touche’ bitch!
Where does the Republican Party get these nasty, spiteful women? Everyone at Fox. Kellyanne, Kayleigh, Tommie, Laura, Sarah, etc. There is a never ending supply.
Going Big with the Golden Rule, i.q., “He who has the gold, rules.”
Unless the FBI can find a paper trail with the Big Guy’s name on it – not even Joe Biden is that stupid – it’s bribery by proxy, a cottage industry in the thugocracy of the Washington establishment, and perfectly legal via the Golden Rule. This is exactly why the Clintons are not doing time now for their obvious pay-to-play Clinton Foundation scheme.
Putting Biden in the White House will “Go Big” with ‘corruption by proxy’ for the rest of the political elites in Washington, where ‘embezzlement by proxy’ is already considered a congressional benefit, a right of passage. This is exactly what the Communist Party of China is banking on to turn the U.S. into a vassal economic state.
Eh she’s a Party operative, if the shoe was on the other foot the Dem foot the Dem chair would say similar things. What the hell do you expect? Going partisan bananas over such empty statements is silly.
There are a couple senators I can’t really get involved in. I just can’t do it. You lose your soul if you do. I can’t help some of them. I don’t want to help some of them.
Any chance the RNC chair was asked about the above?
If she was, she might have been reduced to saying something like this: