President Biden went after Russian President Vladimir Putin for invoking the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection while defending his crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Russia.
You’re fuckin’ with the wrong POTUS, Vlad. Just wait’ll you see how the oligarchs react when their overseas assets are frozen, their visas invalidated, and their internet speeds throttled down to 54K modem speed.
BiDen’s IroN griP sTranguLates Our LiberTies As hE peRsecutes PolitiCaLLy paTriots PeaCeful tOuristiNg the CaPitaL, CleaRly PoliTicaL imprisonmentaiOn on a LeveL
Has there ever been any additional information about the “closely placed asset” that Trump compromised - the “asset” that had to be extracted via extraordinarily swift means - yeah the "asset " that was so close that they could “read papers on the desk of Putin”
That was a colossally stupid blunder by Trump - except it probably wasn’t a blunder - it was treason - it was aiding the enemy on purpose - Trump engaging in “point shaving” for personal gain in the game of espionage
Any U.S. President that wants to dress down a foreign leader for subjecting their citizens to hardship has a rough road to hoe. All anyone has to say is “You guys were led for 4 years by an insane criminal narcissist with fascist authoritarian motivations. A grifting, lying, bombastic shyster. One that probably stole his first election through subterfuge, and damned near did it the next time he ran. And you’re lecturing us about how we lead our country? Take a damned look in the mirror.”
No FOX takes them from him…they are already over there INSISTING DAMMIT that Putin looked so MANLY while Biden looked ‘weak’…aren’t these the SAME stupid morons that were all OVER the Dixie Chicks for not ‘supporting’ Bush overseas???
Putin’s logic is tortured much like Donnie’s, but Donnie’s is far more tortured. Donnie can hardly form a complete thought or sentence, and that probable makes him stupid.
When Americans cry about abuse I have to laugh. This country is the biggest collection of self flagellating morons on the planet. Probably at least 75 million of them that would rather do a death dance with an often fatal virus than go to the bother of getting vaccinated. STFU.