Bird flu could be the upcoming test case of RFK, Jr.'s anti-vax theories. We all get to be the guinea pigs if that happens.
How much do you want to bet RFKJ invested in hydroxychloroquine in some manner? While pumping and dumping a stock is illegal, if you never mention the stock or company and merely pump the product, you’re good. Buying Coca-cola stock, saying it will go through the roof because they discovered the fountain of youth is illegal. Saying early research shows an ingredient in Cherry Coke Zero can add 7 years to your life is not.
In addition to being a whore (he first offered his body to the Harris campaign), RFK Jr is a dangerous asshole who should be in an institution, rather than in a cabinet position. Thank you, Progressives!
WTF are you talking about? Progressives have nothing to do with RFK. B/C the Harris campaign turned him down (as you say) makes complete sense. He’s a nut and a danger to the entire world. Blame the Establishment or 50 years of Limbaugh/Fox News brainwashing. Progressives have little to zero leverage in Washington power games.
And yet, women apparently throw themselves at this schlub.
This is his latest conquest. Maybe I should changer my name. No?
There was a time in my past when I didn’t have a penny to my name. So … I changed my name.
I still haven’t figured out any way to insert that black light that doesn’t REALLY hurt.
On the positive side there is a huge population that is primed to use the horse wormer and bleach injections. No great loss, IMO.
He already killed between 400,000 and 600,000 of those morons the first time around.
I think their goal this time is in the neighborhood of 2 -3 billion deaths. A not particularly bright magat told me that everything would be fine after a third of the world’s population died. O the things one hears on Fox noose. And no, he wasn’t volunteering to join the departing souls. It’s common knowledge amongst the magats that they will all be as fine as frog fur after it hits the fan.
When the AMA, the ADA, the NSF, and every other health, medicine and science related organizations get done with their lobbying against this moron, he will find himself exiting stage right with a classic TRUMP-brand dagger in his back to remind him of his “service.”
Sorry, I guess I was too circumspect for you. The Progressives are responsible for Trump’s victory because of their alienation of many working-class voters. Their continued beating of the dead horses of the left caused many voters to question the goals of the left, and instead put Trump in a position to nominate agents of chaos to important cabinet positions.
Professor Cat would like a word with RFKjr about junk science…
But the right wingers couldn’t stop bashing Michelle Obama’s campaign for healthier diets and more exercise.
The BS is strong in you.
From ‘Crooks’?
Or ‘RashersRonald’?
Maybe ‘Clarence’?
Something like that?
That’s Clarance. TY, TYVM. I hope Ira’s world is filled with happiness.
Then support ZPG by helping poor women to get contraception.
Exactly. Research is not an on/off spigot. If the new and improved HHS cuts certain “political” funding, it could take years to re-establish the basic labs once Voldemort is out of power.
It’s possible that scientists will get funding by stating all the reasons why they think something won’t work. Compare Ivermectin, which we expect to work, against paxlovid, which we think will not work. Oops, our research proved our hypothesis wrong. Paxlovid is effective and Ivermectin isn’t.
Samoa’s population is currently less than 250k.
To put into context how much damage Kennedy caused, if the US had a similar number of population adjusted kids dying, it would be the equivalent of more than 100k dead children.