Request For Probe Into Robert Fuller’s Death | Talking Points Memo

OT: ESAL Ernst


Just waiting for the news that forensics have recovered a piece of a Hawaiian shirt from both scenes.


My thoughts exactly. He is trying to head that one off but it is too late. He spends more and more time trying to straighten things out and it is not working.


May she be the predictor for all who have tied their fates to Orange Julius.


I wonder whether these incidents occurred in counties very close to Orange County. Orange County is home to a lot of racist, white nationalist Republicans including folks like Ronald Reagan, Robert Dornan, the infamous bigot Pete Wilson and others.

OK, but just bear in mind that the margin of error in that poll is 26% bigger than Greenfield’s apparent lead over Ernst.

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Ernst has been sliding for a few weeks now. I sense a collapse happening there, similar to what we see in CO and AZ happening. But, the 3 point gap seems to be where things have been holding for about a month now.

@cervantes there have been three polls in Iowa since June…one, likely voters, two registered voters. All are showing the same picture. 3 points isn’t a landslide, but its a troubling sign for an incumbent immediately after her opponent finishes up a primary. And Ernst has been struggling in the poll going back further than that. You have to go back to August last year to find any sort of comfortable lead for Ernst.

I am VERY interested to see some more polling in MT, too. I have a suspicion that Bullock is also opening up a very commanding lead. (Only see one on 538, has Bullock up 7, from late April). My understanding is the DSCC is dumping a bunch of money on ad buys, too. Like enough to monopolize the airwaves.

Kansas is another one to keep an eye on. Bollier is basically neck and neck with whoever wins the R primary.


“How dare all you people die on my birthday!”

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I wouldn’t recommend that her team celebrate being within the margin of error, either!

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The klan has a pretty good footing in all of CA.

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I’m inclined to agree.


No, these are both north of Los Angeles, but far enough into the sticks that your theory isn’t ridiculous.

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Careful, that sort of speculation leads to a slippery slope…


3 points is more than enough to get the attention of Dem donors and the national apparatus.


Given that Greenfield is matching or beating her in Fundraising…while running a primary…no, they shouldn’t be celebrating.

That’s another of the reasons I am expecting a collapse soon from her campaign. The RSCC is going to be strapped, what with having to unexpectedly protect McConnell and Graham now. Not to mention other seats they didn’t plan on like Montana and Kansas. And if Ernst can’t outraise her opponent, she is going to get cut loose.

@LeeHarveyGriswold I am pretty sure Iowa has been on the radar for awhile. Again, Ernst has been showing signs of weakness for almost a year. And, as a first term incumbent who is also struggling to raise money…that draws attention.


From LA Times;

“We have a history with nooses. We don’t like ropes around our necks,” said one man. “It was a message for the protest we had in Palmdale and Lancaster.”

City Manager J.J. Murphy acknowledged, “Maybe we should have said it was ‘an alleged suicide.’” Then he added: “Can I also ask that we stop talking about lynchings?”

The audience erupted with cries of “Hell no!”


I agree. We shun smokers with more energy than racists.

I think it could be that most white people do have some deep lingering thoughts that make us uncomfortable. Even if it’s just that we notice when someone is a different skin color. It still seems to be the first attribute we use to describe someone, if not in our public voice, but in our heads.


Murphy is an idiot.

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It’s also Flag Day, or did he cancel that by Executive Order.

It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress.


The GOP legislature pushing a bill against mail-in voting (after the stunning success of such voting) that got national attention didn’t help. Sad.