Reports: Clyburn To Endorse Biden As Former VP’s Lead With Black Voters Shrinks

House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC) has chosen to endorse 2020 Democratic candidate Joe Biden, according to Politico and NBC News.

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Latino voters in FL are not Latino voters in CA

Similarly, African American voters in SC are not African American voters in NV.

This is why a smart politician like Sherrod Brown (who manages to succeed in a state like Ohio) prefaces his remarks to constant references to Ohio.

Biden has been camped out in SC for a while, and his endorsement by Clyburn is not surprising.


What good can it do when it’s obvious the endorsement is a rescue?


I was reading somewhere last night, sorry I forget where, that Cubans in FL are different than Latino voters in the rest of the country because they are more Catholic…I thought…whaa? That can’t be right, but I don’t know. Thoughts?
I’ll try to dig it up later.


So he hasn’t actually endorsed Biden yet. And reportedly wants to see how Biden performs in the debate on Tuesday before putting his credibility on the line. Or perhaps he wants to see more polls that either show Biden’s support among AA voters continuing to crater or somehow stabilizing? But he hasn’t actually endorsed Biden yet. I see that as damning with faint praise…


Clyburn is very well regarded in the state, especially among black voters. It’ll do Biden some good. A little? A lot? I dunno, but it certainly won’t hurt.


Cuban-Americans are indeed a demographic unto themselves, and they show great diversity within the demographic as well. No Anglo politician can take their vote for granted. They have to be studied, and attended to, and nurtured, and brought along. It takes lots of time and money to get a good vote share from the population. Not sure anyone has invested enough as yet to count on an appreciable level of solid support.


One doesn’t want to stereotype. I am Latino and am a bebop jazz musician.

The point I was trying to make is that each state has its own conditions and living parameters…and Joe’s been camped out in SC.

Oh…and Cubans and, say, Puerto Ricans both play salsa music and are vastly different. With vastly different histories and demographics.

And people from Mexico? That is a very large country.


Sure but it’s obvious that Clyburn was very supportive of Biden from the start and people never doubted he would endorse him eventually. Choosing to do it now seems desperate.

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I can see Bernie’s Anti billionaire rhetoric resonating with Latinos of Mexican descent because Mexico’s Wealth gap is huge, While the socialist label might turn off Cuban descended people because of Castro.


I think you’re correct insofar as it’s significant that Clyburn getting the word out about his endorsement before the SC primary, since up to now he was saying he’d wait until after the SC primary to let the voters have their say before he officially weighed in.

“Desperate” may be a bit pejorative, but I think it’s fair to say Team Biden is anxious about the results in South Carolina, and that’s certainly understandable since his hopes of a comeback and a decent showing on Super Tuesday hinge on a strong showing in South Carolina. It’s literally “make or break” for Biden…if he falters there, he’s done.


Clyburn’s “desperate”? Clyburn’s in the House leadership (Pelosi, Hoyer, Clyburn) as well as a king maker in SC so endorsing Joe is, as Joe once said on another topic, a BFD. Moreover Clyburn has enormous influence among SC’s black population.


Makes TeamBiden seem desperate. It’s obvious he needs a big boost, which shouldn’t be the case.


But it is the case. It is what needs to be done to get the win. Why wouldn’t they do that if they believe stopping Bernie is best for the party and the country?

Desperate? Maybe
Necessary? For sure


Clyburn arrives with the AED …


Will it save the patient?

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Agree. I didn’t mean the two things are mutually exclusive. But Biden and many of his supporters have been chanting “electability” for a long time, so this doesn’t reflect well on them.

Indeed, Clyburn would be doing his own constituents a disservice if he did not announce who he endorses or will vote for himself.


Okay, that’s what you meant. Maybe Joe is feeling anxious about black support slipping away. He’s had black support from people in PA especially Scranton where he’s the hometown boy partly because they remain fond of BHO. I want to see someone other than Sanders nominated and so whatever it takes for Biden or Warren or anyone else to overcome him is fine with me.


This morning I heard Al Sharpton say that 3/4rds of black voters in Nevada did not vote for Sanders. I realize that is a different state, but it does not sound like Bernie is wildly popular with that demographic.


Been around awhile…

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