The White House took the unusual step of treating some coronanvirus meetings as classified, Reuters reported Wednesday, just one in a string of actions taken by the administration that may have slowed its response to the virus.
The meetings were “classified” as they were not discussing how to prevent Covid-19, but rather how to not have it impact the stock market and Trump’s reelection. Alas, a much larger version of what the Chinese Communist Party did in Wuhan, is backfiring spectacularly on Trump.
I really hope that victims of this sue not just the federal government, but those who made these decisions for Trump personally.
In general, the FTCA is intended to provide monetary compensation for injury, property loss, or death "caused by the negligent or wrongful act or omission of any employee of the Government."
…citing four unnamed Trump administration officials.
We will never get the truth from Shithead or his sycophants but at least there are people still around who listen and make the info available.
The response to this growing crisis is the most disgraceful thing I’ve seen in my lifetime. W’s handling of Katrina was horrid but no one thought he was intentionally trying to let people die to make himself look better. The torture program was a war crime but I never thought it was being run to get W and 'pubs reelected.
Shithead will find a way to profit off of our misery. Again.
“It seemed to be a tool for the White House — for the NSC — to keep participation in these meetings low,” the source told Reuters.
Highly doubtful any classified info is or needs to be discussed in these meetings. It’s all about leak control, which is ridiculous as they should be talking about public information!!!
The way reporters continue to write about Trump in in a manner implying surprise and bemusement at Trump doing things a person with an extreme case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (and let’s not even talk about the dementia and ASPD comorbidity) would be predicted to do is a national crisis.
and let me add - it is all in such an entirely “TRUMP” way - totally psycho - passive aggressive - inflict maximum harm and suffering - blabbering and mouthing off about it - without having his hands touch it …