Report: Trump Suggested Sending American COVID Victims To Guantanamo Early In Pandemic

Exactly. Someone posted this in comments at WaPo.

Further, they knew about the danger of COVID-19 and moved to politicize it early on as evidenced and supported by kushner’s own interviews with Bob Woodward;

The Trump-Kushner political strategy was apparently based on a three-pronged assessment of the pandemic — the last of which Kushner claimed had already begun by April 18. “That doesn’t mean there’s not still a lot of pain and there won’t be pain for a while,” he told Woodward, suggesting that it was time for the country to move onto the “comeback phase” out of concern for the economy, prioritizing Trump’s reelection prospects over the advice of public-health experts. “We’ve now put out rules to get back to work. Trump’s now back in charge. It’s not the doctors.” Kushner continued to describe the move in adversarial terms. “We have, like, a negotiated settlement.” []


When we finally had widespread testing in Orange County around the beginning of 2021, and I wanted to be tested because I had cold symptoms (runny nose, no fever), I could not get a free test because all of the test slots were filled. I ended up paying $150 out of pocket for a rapid response testing. (I tested positive, and my husband immediately got the same test and tested negative. He did not get the virus, and I had an extremely mild case with no fever.)


Trump was just taking his cues from lunatic Republicans past. In the 1980’s William Dannemeyer from the OC and the execrable Jesse Helms who wanted to quarantine HIV AIDS patients.
Yet at the peak of the HIV crisis you had New York gossip columnists like Liz Smith and Cindy Adams cover for him and tout his alleged generosity to AIDS charities.


The obvious thing is that we all wake up every morning and seem to have forgotten that Trump was only being POTUS because he thought it would polish his brand and bring in more $$$.
And the people who went to work for him either became crazy in their adoration, or tried to save us from him. But in the end they didn’t save us, Trump rolled the dice and lost, and we’re as divided more now than when we were in the 1860s.

Recently Pence spoke at the Faith and Freedom shindig where he was booed, booed while he was stating that he was Christian, husband, and then politician. Just let that sink in and roll around in your brain. There were Christians that seemed to think it was Pence’s job to steal and election for Trump. And if he couldn’t do that fall on his sword, or allow others to kill him for Trump.


He should be dropped on his head as an adult, many, many times.

Junior too.

Imagine how blown his mind must have been when he found out that it is isn’t an island and is attached to Cuba.


LiKe TaKing hydroxycloriquin, drinKinG bleaCh aNd putting light in Your InsIdes, truMp is Once aGain right. PuTting Covid in Guantanamo woUld’ve prevented Covid Deaths. InsTead he’s UndermiNed by the Deep State, haTers and LosErs.


Ironically, if he had embraced early testing, followed the science, and utilized his emergency national production powers, he probably would’ve won the election. What a dope.


One would think that over the course of 5 months since the orange dotard left the WH, the normal arc of news would be about the new administration. While we do get that news and, thank god, it has been essentially good news, every week and nearly everyday in any week we learn something more illegal, or morally bankrupt, or more inept at governing, or more at odds with democracy and the rule of law/Constitution. Every f**king week. Today, it’s the Guantanamo story. There is no bottom to the dotard and company’s depravity.

There, apparently, is no way to reach the 30%(?) of the country who hope to see him as POTUS 47. The right wing media bubble is strong plus there is no Republican statesman with any gravity to counter the dotard, DeSantis, Cotton, Cruz, little Marco, MTG, and the numerous other cesspool dwellers. Even, or especially, past GOP Prez W cannot sway many republicans from the craziness; maybe Bush knows that and stays quiet. Cowardly, imo.

Will we have to wait to see if Covid-Delta works its way through the unvaccinated right wing population and provide a Darwinian I-told-you-so? Perhaps a significant decrease in the actual numbers of trumpistas?

I just hope that DOJ, SDNY, NY AG,, have such an airtight case against the dotard (and hopefully his spawn) that a “flea’s fart wouldn’t fit in.” (hat tip to Rude Pundit) Even an airtight case won’t convince the trumpistas or Tucker and I expect a lot of bad actors to appear post indictment if it happens. And there will be a lot of money to be grifted on the back of a trump indictment. A lot…


TesTing onlY increaSed the AmouNt of peOple who contraCted Covid. Seems Like a ProbleM, not a SoluTion.


It’s hard to believe that we can still be surprised by the words or actions of this idiot. But he is beyond belief.


He couldn’t put a tariff on a virus


Just when I think I might be out from under the daily feelings of outrage and sheer incredulity that TFG used to engender, along comes THIS shit…and I’m right back there.
Fuck, the complete disregard for anyone but himself fairly leaps off the page here. I feel sick because I have zero problem believing this.
“We import goods, not a virus.” Fuck, fuck, fuck.
If we EVER let this waste of skin near the levers of power again, we deserve whatever comes.


You forget he’s the emperor of Sharpies, so he can fix that being attached to Cuba thing.


Well, it’s like things that are simultaneously waves and particles and so forth. We know the depths of cruel and crazy he was and is capable of. But I was pretty sure the post-presidency books would have lots of particular OMG examples in them because we resist the actual understanding. We’re being forced to see it, the way they forced the Germans to see what had been happening in the camps.


Scientific literacy is still (unfortunately) a minority trait among the general population. People want the “facts” that they know to be facts that are immutable and true, for all eternity. The idea that new data can change what’s apparently true goes against the doctrines of most religions (which quietly update their “facts” as social mores change too), wherein they generally insist that there is one unalterable Truth, which they alone know and seek to teach and spread.

Science is all about acknowledging the fallibility of human understanding and not relying on just the word of any one person or group to decide what is real/true. But such doubt and skepticism is anathema to the way that the major religions operate and explain the world. And they still have a strong grip on the psyche of the general population, which makes it difficult for people to make the leap that uncertainty isn’t weakness or entirely undesirable. Sometimes it’s necessary in order to attain a deeper understanding later on. But I question the longevity of any religion with that as a basic tenet.


There’s just no longer any denying that this country needs a class-action suit against Trump PERSONALLY, for at least 400,000 preventable COVID deaths.


So Trump finally recognized that Jared Kushner was an idiot.

I guess even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while.


Pretty sure that he would have considered that a feature-- not a bug.


Yes, and so keeping this movement going will by logic crash human society into the actual reality that we are destroying Earth’s balances and will thus be made mostly dead.


And RINOs. Don’t forget RINOs.

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