As the White House remains publicly vague about its plans to address gun violence, President Donald Trump’s eldest children are pulling him in opposite directions on the issue behind closed doors, according to a Monday Politico report.
“White House spokesperson Hogan Gidley denied any infighting over the issue, telling Politico that the White House is “completely united” on tackling gun violence.”
When people are all of a single mind on an important issue don’t they proceed to do something about it? If everyone beneath Trump on the White Hosue staff agrees with him, why hasn’t he put forth proposals? No one is pushing back, they all are in agreement. Did anyone pose these questions to Gidley?
First daughter Ivanka Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr reportedly have been pushing Trump to support stronger background checks, arguing that the move could help him with moderate voters in the upcoming election.
previously on ‘The Donald Trump Show’
The battle between continuity and radical departure swings back and forth each day between the self-styled populist “disruptors” led by Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller, and the “traditionalists” brought on since the election to lend gravitas to the presidency, such as Rex Tillerson, the secretary of state; the national security adviser, HR McMaster; and the defence secretary, James Mattis.
Between these two camps and somewhat above them is the family, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner. But their influence is clearly not decisive. On the Paris accord, they leaned heavily toward the traditionalists and lost.
A year ago, I would have snarked that the phrasing of the article implied that the Director of the FBI made a policy recommendation based on partisan electoral thinking. LOL! But, then I remembered that this is America 2019.
First, this fits way too neatly into the longstanding “Ivanka is the reasonable one” myth Trump has been trying to build up to make her heir apparent to his political legacy (such as it is). Politico has been a willing participant in this ruse in the past, time and time again.
Second, obviously Mr Elephant Dismemberer hates the idea of allowing gun control reform.
Third, the level that Ivanka is reported to support is only what 90% of Americans already support, and is hardly “pulling” Trump. It is a fig leaf that, while necessary, is hardly sufficient for the times.