So Ivanka got her “moral compass” from her father , yet she has to persuade her father to use his… I’m confused
First daughter Ivanka Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr reportedly have been pushing Trump to support stronger background checks, arguing that the move could help him with moderate voters in the upcoming election.
Meanwhile, first son Donald Trump Jr. and acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney have been warning Trump against such measures for fear of alienating his conservative pro-Second Amendment supporters.
It’s nice to see that winning an election is the only concern on either side of the discussion.
Things like the safety of American citizens and others in the country and preventing people from finding themselves maimed or dead from gun violence doesn’t seem to enter into the conversations of these caring, compassionate people.
Just a guess: Trump really doesn’t care, even a little bit, about the issue of gun control at all, and won’t take the easy way out simply because he doesn’t want to oppose his daughter and son in law.
Trump 101: If there’s no personal advantage to Trump involved with supporting something, then he just doesn’t care.
Gee, I wonder who (his daughter) he wants to get into bed with on this one?
And yes, this poat intends to get an
Who cares what Junior thinks? He’s not a policy expert or government employee.
Besides, any background check regulation that’s designed to help a politician get re-elected will have holes in it large enough to accommodate a tank.
Trump isn’t split between Ivanka and Junior. He doesn’t care what they think.
Exactly. It plays into the transactional nature of everything he does. Why do anything if it isn’t going to pay you back in some way?
I’m sure Jr is worried about getting access to an assault weapon to take down some unfortunate fauna after his conviction for criminal assholery in the first degree.
Of course it’ll be Junior because he’s got the arm candy
Oh, please!
None of these despicable motherfuckers care one goddamned iota about doing anything on gun control, especially that phony, entitled little plastic toy poodle Ivanka.
“White House spokesperson Hogan Gidley denied any infighting over the issue…”
Why would anyone believe Hogan Gidley? Even his hairdo looks like a lie.
High class policy discussions among the Trumps are like the endangered species Don Jr lives to shoot: hard to find and completely undervalued.
Come on really. The barometer for our POTUS is his daughter and son who have zero standing on either being pro-gun or pro-gun regulation. Yeah anyone who is serious about this issue takes nothing from this statement. The only side that stands to gain is the NRA because they know the president cares little for it, or just about as much as his daughter or son.
Is there any decision this brain-dead son of a bitch would be competent to make at this point? I don’t mean crucial affairs of state where it’s a 51-49 thing at best. I mean which washing machine to buy for the beach house kind of decision. And I don’t mean the right decision for society—I mean the purely self-interested, best for him choice. I don’t think he can do it. And I doubt he ever could, actually, but the way he is now—yeesh.
“Ummm Daddy, it’s like supernice that you helped with all those trademarks and things. But kin yew, like, make it a little eensy teensy bit harder for some bad people to buy guns? You’re so smart and wonderful.
“Woah - Dad - some of the guys who pay for my hunting trips don’t like that regulation stuff. Plus I want to bring my trophy heads back into the country. Say it’s the Democrat fault again.”
they both do
Speed Queen
The multiple-universe version of me that has a beach house appreciates that advice.
I know, you want to unload your place in Aspen before you close on the Vineyard.