Report: Justices Voted To Overturn Abortion Rights In Draft Opinion

A draft Supreme Court majority opinion overturning Roe v. Wade has reportedly leaked, seemingly the first draft of the Court’s coming decision in a 15-week abortion case out of Mississippi.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

When do people start storming the Court?


Impossible to overstate the pain and suffering that will come with this. Also hard to find anything else that could divide further an already divided nation. Republicans have no freaking idea of what they’ve just unleashed.


SCOTUS just handed Dems a gift for the midterms. Now let’s weaponize it.


If “weaponizing” this was so easy, we wouldn’t be here now. It’s not like this hasn’t been the #1 target of the right wing for several decades…


Did I mention…


There are barricades around the Supreme Court -


If Roe v Wade can be overturned, what other rights will be taken away?


“semi-automatic rifle” doesn’t appear in the text, either. That list is long.


Burn. It. ALL.


No surprise at all here, the ruling on Texas’ scheme made it clear this would be the end result. And, skimming the decision, it basically says that women don’t have the rights to their own body once they are pregnant unless a state allows them to have them…it’s upending the protections of privacy and equality in the 14th Amendment. Others will look at it more closely, but odds are the logic they are following can be applied to overturn other decisions that grant rights similar to how Roe and Casey did…rights that aren’t written in the Constitution but that are a natural extension of the idea of individual liberty.

Abortion will be immediately outlawed in many states once this comes out, and we’re going to hear the right wingers start to campaign to outlaw it across the nation regardless of what a state wants. They will work to overturn all of the judicial decisions that gave women freedom…extend this far enough and they can undo interracial marriage, possibly even laws against segregation. It’s a big step towards removing the ability of everyone to have a fair chance in America…which is the intent of course, they want to turn us into a Christian theocracy based in white supremacy.

And, it may work…it’s not clear that enough people will be willing to vote against Republicans even when they take action like this. How many people will blame the Democrats for allowing this to happen? Or decide that Biden isn’t “doing enough” to satisfy them? That attitude is allowing Republicans to burn our democracy down around us. We’ll have to see what the reaction is when some 12 year old girl is raped and dies because she couldn’t get an abortion…with the way this nation responds to kindergarteners being shot with an AR-15 I’m not at all confident it will move the needle enough to save our nation.


Hahahahaha, look at it this way:
If…IF…Dems can Blue wave the midterms we can fix all this shit and more.
It’s not like it can’t be done…just a matter of doing it.


Sure, but now the dog has caught the car, and this country is still split 50/50 on the “right to life” issue. This is a decision that may lead to complacency on the Right now that this #1 target has been accomplished, and outrage on the Left. We can use that.

Our big issue in the midterms is going to be turnout. SCOTUS just handed us the best possible argument for Dem turnout so we can retain control of the Senate. We just have to let enough voters know what’s at stake, and we blew that issue of SCOTUS control in 2016. We can do better this time. We have to.


The gqp does not intend to permit any lost elections to exist or stand ever again. This should be understood as further proof of everything I’ve been saying, not some errant mistake they’ve made.


Why do they need barricades? They are doing the will of the majority, right. :angry:


They won’t be Dems if they did. They are going to be more concerned about offending conservative Christians.

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I’m now firmly in the camp that this draft was leaked to put pressure on anyone who was thinking of signing this nonsense with Alito. Granted, that means those ghouls can feel pressure, but you never know.


I feel numb. I can’t form a coherent thought tonight. Right now all I can think about is that I’m just glad that my own daughter lives in New York.


OK babe, but do you mind handing me those matches in your hand? You’re making me nervous.