Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) reportedly used Venmo to send $900 one night in March 2018 to his friend and alleged sex trafficker Joel Greenberg, who then Venmo’d the same amount of money to three young women, including an 18-year-old, the next day.
About three cents short of sending your co-conspirators a group text “lol this thing we’re planning is illegal, we should probably be talking only in person”.
This is what happens when an arrogant asshole’s rich daddy has bought him out of every situation where he might have had to suffer the consequences of his actions.
How much nastier and more disgusting does it have to get for the cry for him to leave is overwhelming? Or are they just going to wait until his arrest?? Or perhaps even until his conviction??? Or will the GQP allow him to serve from prison?
Meanwhile on faux news: We got this threesome picture of hunter biden with 2 other adults that we stole! Pay no attention to the sitting congressmen paying for sex with kids.
I’m guessing that the one who was just 18 at the time is not cooperating much. She is allegedly now is working in the porn industry.
One of the women who received one of these payments from Greenberg was just over 18 years old at the time, and reportedly now works in the porn industry.