Report: Caputo Receives Metastatic Cancer Diagnosis | Talking Points Memo

To cut to the chase, Matt, it’s the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It doesn’t contain any parenthetical phrases excepting if they’re an asshole or you hate them. Their hateful assholish behavior doesn’t direct one’s response to their cancer dx unless one can’t refrain from their own hateful assholish behavior for one goddam minute. Geez.


What I am having trouble with is that as an opponent of capital punishment this is a person that would suffer a portion of his just deserts if he were drawn and quartered.

As does dementia - see trump.

Well, no one deserves a diagnosis like that. Hopefully he will beat it and have a long life outside of politics and public service.


“Trump got him admitted”? Give me a break ! Trump has a much empathy as the average hyena. Besides you don’t need to pull strings to get into a hospital, you just need your doctor to send you there.

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Let me be very clear—to me it doesn’t fucking matter what he deserves. I have this fussiness where I don’t want to be seen in public rejoicing over a fellow human being’s suffering and death. It seems wrong and bad. I don’t care what he or she has done. If that seems morally obtuse to you than I’d like to very hesitantly suggest that maybe YOU’RE THE ONE WHO IS MORALLY OBTUSE. Maybe it’s not quite the thing to FUCKING GLOAT AND LAUGH OVER A CANCER DIAGNOSIS. Sorry if my suggestions are outlandish and offensive but I assume we welcome a diversity of opinions here.


You’re entitled to your opinion. I’m entitled to think it’s stupid. I’m arguing with a crowd here. I clearly don’t give a fuck what others think.


Caputo Receives Metastatic Cancer Diagnosis

This was a given when he joined the metastasizing Trump autocracy.

‘Sound’? I don’t believe you have the capacity to detect that amount of nuance via text.
Conclusion? Trolling for conflict.

4.33 out of 5

I am in the camp of short, really painful, hopefully spreads everywhere. He needs to die before he can cast a vote. And oh, I hope he gets Covid-19 while on treatment, and that Covid-19 is what kills him.

And oh, I hope the covid-19 infects the people around him.

I am at old testament vengeful god stage…

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Not suggesting in the slightest that gloating is morally superior. It isn’t. What I will insist is that it is an understandable reaction given this man’s crimes.

One of the suggestions made by those who support capital punishment is that there is a moral need for retribution. It is hard to imagine what is the appropriate treatment for someone who has participated – as this man has – in the destruction of 10,000s of thousands of lives in terms of retribution. The lack of sympathy for this man reflects this.

There is something about the human make up which responds more strongly to individual murders than to the adoption of practices which forseeably and in practice lead to the deaths of thousands. If Trump had strangled a single individual with his bare hands, he’d be out. But since his policies are killing thousands the revulsion is much more muted. This dual standard is morally absurd. Not accusing you of having such a standard …indeed your insistence that all human beings have value is part of how adoption of policies which lead to deaths are prevented.

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Nice post ! One question though , what’s a boofer ?

Busy doing absolutey nothing but keeping his meme alive. Fear of death is his best PR.

He’ll never get to heaven if he doesn’t die.
There are 7.8 billion stories on planet Earth. This has been one of them.

I don’t know if it figured into his bizarre rant, but it’s pretty grim.

So was his ranting.
Caputo deserves all the compassion that he extended to all the Covid-19 victims who suffered and died since the end of February.

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It is something that Bart Kavanaugh the conservative serial rapist on the Supreme Court did.

This is not the “other side”; a left Twix, right Twix situation. These are traitors to this country intent on destroying it as any form of a Democracy founded on the ideas of the Enlightenment. They want us back to Plantations, Authoritarian kings, and dictators. Fuck them all. I’ll take good news when I see it and smile. This is good news. :smiley::+1:

Apparently because these moronic assholes have decided that the best plan is to pretend like nothing is happening, send the workers back to mines, and let herd immunity handle it. So probably 6 million more Americans will need to die if not more.

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I understand it. I’m not even condemning it all that strongly. I’ve listed examples where I did it or potentially would. I just think generally it’s kind of tacky and not to your credit.

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