Report: Boebert’s Comms Director Is Resigning After Capitol Attack | Talking Points Memo

Representatives can’t be appointed. Only senators.


He can’t can he? Doesn’t there have to be a special election?

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That’s a fair point. Although I count four years experience-which should be enough to avoid the worst jobs. You’re right that his current gig is at interior, so he had to find a new job in November.


It might be an insult to Roberts. But if Roberts suggested it himself, now that would be a rebuke to Mitch.


Sorry, i didn’t realize that. I will edit my comment. I stand by my prediction about the resignation and the charging, however.


Could be that he’s self-limiting by jumping jobs so quick. That resume reads like a blur of job-hopping, no stability or longevity at all.


Because the vast majority of people in the world have more interesting things to do with their lives, leaving the grifters and dullards to vie for political openings, since they can’t do normal activities or work well with others.


Hard to say, politics is not my field. If you’re working campaigns, of course you’ll have a bunch of short term jobs, but you’re right there should be a two or three year stint in there- since he’s worked on winning campaigns


He didn’t even last as long as MyPillow Guy’s second marriage.


They wanted to have their guns on hand just in case the insurrectionists forgot theirs.

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‘‘Space. The Final Frontier.’’


Lyndon Johnson was sworn in by a Texas Federal court judge who was a friend of his. Of course, his circumstances were a little different.


When you’re meeting up with the guy who has the other guns. Ammo is in extremely tight supply these days and going for a huge premium. If you got a guy with ammo, bring him in!


What kind of pickup was it? Asking for a friend.

I tried to spin that shit but the more I spun more tangled up I got. I finally had to cut myself loose.

She supported the concept…supported the people carrying out the activities… and dug in and denied virtually all of the realities & tap danced away from being in anyway critical of the any of the perpetrators.
5 people are dead … real dead … not fantasy video game dead … and she double & tripled down on the “stop duh steal” stupidity …
She is naive, maliciously strident & ain’t quite right in the head… and her idiocy is likely to get more people killed.


From WaPo:

Wesley Allen Beeler, 31, of Front Royal, drove his Ford F-150 up to a checkpoint on E Street Northeast of the Capitol, where he was met by Capitol Police officers, according to the court documents.

Beeler is facing charges stemming from unlawful possession of weapons and ammunition.

His mother Charlotte Beeler said he was shocked to hear her son had been arrested because he told her he was helping secure downtown Washington. His family said he works in private security.

“I don’t believe that,” she said, when she heard the charges.

Beeler appeared in D.C. Superior Court on Saturday afternoon, where a judge ordered him released on personal recognizance and issued a stay-away order from the District. Beeler is not allowed to return to the city except to appear in court or meet with his lawyer.

U.S. Capitol police said in charging papers that Beeler presented them with what appeared to be an credential to enter the area, but an officer determined he was “not authorized to enter the restricted area.”

As his credential was being checked, another officer noted bumper stickers on the truck’s windows, which read, “Assault Life” and “If they come for your guns giv ‘em your bullets first,” police said.


Rude awakening incoming!


Too much like working for Imelda Marcos?