Red States Seek To Make Anti-Abortion Regimes Absolute By Boxing Out Democratic Prosecutors



OT Yesterday I discovered that my gym removed MSNBC from its television. However, there are two stations for Fox News, I would watch the news while pedaling on the LifeCycle. This is in Long Beach, known as a blue area.


The Texas suburban white women will continue to vote for “lower taxes” or “how my husband wants” while lamenting this awful conduct until further notice.


I’d complain.


To what depths will these republicans sink? One stand out was Cohen testifying that he talked with his wife and daughter and decided to abandon Trump at long last. It made me wonder, do any of these out-of-control anti-abortion guys have families? daughters, wives, cousins, aunts, mothers? WTF?


Apparently Austin is experiencing a big exodus, with many going back to CA, in part because they moved there pre-Dobbs and are starting to understand the world of red shit they got themselves into.


“Lucky Me I Live In Lubbock” was a very popular bumper sticker when I lived in Lubbock, before the famous Lubbock Tornado hit. Then it became, “Luck Me I Didn’t Live In Lubbock Last Week”.

I remember that!


It was always a lie. Even back before the extreme gerrymanders unleashed by assholes who refused to vote because they didn’t get their public option, when Republicans still felt the need to mouth those words, they demonstrated time and time again it was a lie. It was a lie they told because they knew the needs of Bothsides narrative frame would ensure that the MSM would treat it as if it was a principle rather than a pretext tax cuts for rich people.


When will these people understand that another person’s medical issues are NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS. I know of no other condition in to which people decide to stick their noses. Abortion is an issue between a pregnant woman and her physician, end of story. Vote blue!


Remember when Obamacare and the public option were being discussed? Republicans screamed from the rafters that medical decisions were between a patient and doctor. Now Republicans in some states are legislating what doctors can say to pregnant women.


I started saying “choose your state wisely” years ago, not realizing how shockingly prescient I was.


These extremists will never stop until all women of childbearing age are under their thumbs. Then they’ll move on to executing those of us who are no longer fruitful.


Twice yesterday I complained to the front desk. Was promised they would check it out but nothing happened.

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It’s only a woman…

Well the karma has begun as I read in an article someone posted here about how newly graduated medical students are not applying for jobs in states with these ridiculous laws. As well as many established physicians who are moving away.


Poor and middle class people suffer more due to insufficient care from our policies while we can afford to get expert treatments out of state? Excellent bonus!

That’s easy. Wealthy donors to the GOP in exchange for laws that favor the wealthy.

Freedoms just another word for nothin’ left to lose


Red States Seek To Make Anti-Abortion Regimes Absolute By Boxing Out Democratic Prosecutors

The authoritarian essence of the GOP strikes again.

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Romania tried this experiment under Ceausescu. It didn’t work. Although women did indeed have more babies than they wanted, most of them ended up abandoned in the state orphanages. A lot of women figured out how to avoid getting pregnant in spite of the pregnancy police. Oh, and Ceausescu and his wife were executed when enough people got sick of them.