Red States Seek To Make Anti-Abortion Regimes Absolute By Boxing Out Democratic Prosecutors

It wasn’t always that way. Take FDR, for example, born into great wealth, he was the champion of the average citizen. The wealthy excoriated him as a traitor to his class.

“ A sweeping, magisterial biography of the man generally considered the greatest president of the twentieth century, admired by Democrats and Republicans alike. Traitor to His Class sheds new light on FDR’s formative years, his remarkable willingness to champion the concerns of the poor and disenfranchised, his combination of political genius, firm leadership, and matchless diplomacy in saving democracy in America during the Great Depression and the American cause of freedom in World War II.

Drawing on archival materials, public speeches, personal correspondence, and accounts by family and close associates, acclaimed bestselling historian and biographer H. W. Brands offers a compelling and intimate portrait of Roosevelt’s life and career.

Brands explores the powerful influence of FDR’s dominating mother and the often tense and always unusual partnership between FDR and his wife, Eleanor, and her indispensable contributions to his presidency. Most of all, the book traces in breathtaking detail FDR’s revolutionary efforts with his New Deal legislation to transform the American political economy in order to save it, his forceful — and cagey — leadership before and during World War II, and his lasting legacy in creating the foundations of the postwar international order.

Traitor to His Class brilliantly captures the qualities that have made FDR a beloved figure to millions of Americans.

“H.W. Brands is a master at finding the essence of an important American life, telling its story grippingly and showing us why it is important to our own generation. With Traitor to His Class , he has surpassed even his own high standard. This judicious and compelling work is the first major one-volume biography written by an historian too young to have lived in Franklin Roosevelt’s time. It deserves a wide audience, especially among those younger Americans who need to be told why we all owe so much to FDR.” Michael Beschloss


Boxing out democratic prosecutors and overriding the will of the people to force their radical agenda on the citizens.


Apparently it disappeared around the same time they stopped trusting the people themselves to make the right decisions.

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No more United States of America! It’s over.


The Reds accuse Democrats of lawfare. This action by republicans reeks of lawfare. It will be used at will not just to outlaw abortion, but for also to achieve all kinds of ideological plums. As with voting rights, If the American people reject extreme republican ideology, extreme republicans will seek to achieve their extreme ideology (rejected by citizens at the ballot box) in venues other than the ballot box.


Kim Reynolds took a lesson from the criminal ex president. She wants a partisan attorney general. The only time a red incumbent wants a state attorney general to have more power is to further their own extreme ideology.


I find it so interesting how they just love to make rules, apparently so’s they can just work around them.


It was never true, anyway

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I think of that tactic as the GOP’s second rule: “If you can’t win fairly, cheat.”

Their first rule is “If the truth just won’t do, lie.”


Once you move out of California it is difficult to return. Housing is so expensive.