Really Dumb Even For Trump - TPM – Talking Points Memo

After he admitted during a Pittsburgh television interview earlier today that he is “looking at” restrictions on contraceptives and will soon unveil “something that you’ll find interesting,” Donald Trump reversed course and made an all-caps post on Truth Social walking it back entirely.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

So, tfg is planning on banning birth control. Got it.:rofl:


There is still some sentiment in my head that cannot believe that this stupid, self-serving, tacky SOB was President of the United States. Denial is a strong instinct. Unbelievable!


“In politics stupidity is not a handicap.” ― Napoleon Bonaparte

“No matter how cynical you get, it’s impossible to keep up.” ― Lily Tomlin


He shot himself in both feet with that comment and then walking it back. He freaked out the R’s who know this is radioactive for the general election, and then he angered the hardcore Christo-Fascists who want a national ban on birth control. He can’t win! Pobrecito.


He’s really dumb for an incredibly stupid guy.


He’s worse than the creepy guy with the greasy hair, bad breath, and bad tie who comes lunging at you in the used car lot.


One can almost always assume that, whatever he says, he’ll do the opposite of when given the opportunity.


Claiming “we’re looking at that” and “will have a proposal in two weeks” is his go to for everything that isn’t specifically beneficial to him legally or financially. He has no idea. He probably couldn’t name three different forms of contraception, even when he was younger. I can’t imagine it ever being a concern for him.


Any Republican in any state wide race, except for maybe a few sparsely populated all White state like North Dakota, who wins less than 50% of the White woman vote is called a loser.

That is in discussing the 2024 election, there is one group above all others that will decide the 2024 election, White women. White women in addition to being the single largest voting group also have the most to lose with not so much a Trump victory but with a Republican victory.

Trump won 53% of the White women vote in 2020, up slightly from 2016, and still lost by over 7,000,000 votes. To have any chance at pulling out an electoral college win like he did in 2016, Trump must do at least that well with White women as he did in 2020. If Trump wins less than 50% of the White women vote, it will be a popular massacre which will bleed into the electoral college with Biden winning states Trump won in 2020.

When you have the most, you have the most to lose. After White men, White women have the most and therefore the most to lose. Unlike White men, who lose much with Trump but keep their status visa everyone else, White women also lose status with a Republican and Trump victory.

I see no hope in cleaning Trump up enough, or scaring or otherwise dirtying up Biden enough, for Trump to do well enough with White women as the comments he made show a total ignorance of how to appeal to White women. It is a gaff he is not disciplined enough not to repeat.

However, anyone else remember why for a long time it was tradition to name hurricanes after women?

They are unpredictable.


Or…work with me here…the man has no principles and bullshits big “announcements” in “two weeks” whenever he’s actually forced to answer questions.


How the actual fuck can people look at fucking restrictions on contraceptives, taking away a most basic right to your own body and self-determination and somehow insist that these asshats are all about personal freedom? I mean, jesus christ it’s like looking at a photo of car wreck and telling people you see a purple elephant. We have to stop these fucking people. This is not fucking joke. And in case my “potty mouth” offends you, keep scrolling.


Nobody knew healthcare/birth control/abortion could be so complicated.

Yeah, we did Fat Boy. What you mean to say is YOU didn’t know because you’re an imbecile who spent his life stealing money and forcing women to play with your tiny dick.

I’m not a billionaire, but I play one in real life.


If not for the slime ball criminal he had for a father that’s exactly where he’d be.


So what really happened here? Not hard to read the Trump tea leaves given his day in day out teaching us how to do so. He was asked a question about a subject he was clueless so he gave the answer he uses all the time when in that bind “we’re looking at that”. He tried to back that bullshit up with blather but he’s incapable of handling a real issue given all he’s practiced on is culture wars bullshit. So like he often does he lies about a lie, goes to a safe place and his handlers there say WTF! He then lies again. Lying about a lie that was in support of another lie. He does it all the time.

He had no idea what his stance on BC was.


The headline Really Dumb Even For Trump could refer to so many different things.


I don’t think you appreciate the depths of stupidity and self-deception that any bloc of voters can reach, including and especially white women. MY former SIL, a gay woman, consistently votes for anti-abortion Republicans to “save the babies.” When she told me that I said, "First, you’re voting to take away a very personal decision that you will NEVER have to make from millions of other women who will. On top of which, you’re supporting people who would happily see you banished back into the closet and your marriage nullified, at best. At worst, they would love to see you wiped from existence by any means necessary.

Her response to all of that? “That’s not true.”

And this woman is college-educated, and very highly placed at a Fortune 100 company. Yeah, so that’s what we’re up against.


A 2023 Gallup poll found that 88 percent of Americans view the use of contraceptives as morally sound.

99% of 12% are likely to be Republicans.


Don’t forget, he is a self-proclaimed:

Stable Genius


“We’re looking at that, and I’m going to have a policy on that very shortly and I think it’s something that you’ll find interesting,” Trump had told KDKA, the Pittsburgh TV station.

Still waiting on:

Infrastructure Week
Affordable Care Act replacement
Melania Trump “announcement”
Renegotiate the Iran Deal
Build “the wall” and have Mexico pay :rofl:
Eliminate the Federal debt in 8 years :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Balance the Federal budget “fairly quickly” :rofl:
Release his tax returns after a complete audit :confounded: