READ: The Template SCOTUS Election-Reversal Lawsuit That Trump Allies Pushed On LA’s AG | Talking Points Memo

There used to be a setting option to “remain in place” but sadly it was dropped in one of the botched “upgrades”.

What you can still do is post, then once you’re transported to the end, select the “parent” arrow (in my browser it’s at the top left of the post). Hit it and it will sometimes take you back to the post you responded to, some times it will open a copy above your post. If it was the later, hit again and it will “take you back”.

The one wrinkle that it has now flagged every single post in the thread as “read” so you need to now keep track of the post counts. I reported this as a bug when they first broke it years ago, but as with pretty much all the bugs in the comment system, nothing is ever done to fix them. Sadly, they clearly have no understanding of the value of the comment system and its community… :rage: