READ: The Template SCOTUS Election-Reversal Lawsuit That Trump Allies Pushed On LA’s AG | Talking Points Memo

Amazing how Chump can get his idiot Rubes to believe his victimization crap. When Chump is out of power, all he can do is call the current president a disgrace, a disaster, and if he was running things…yadda yadda yadda. But when he IS running things, they are constantly stealing things from him, getting away with murder, it’s a disgrace, and a disaster, and our elections were run like a 3rd world country…and somehow jewish space lasers are teaming up with Italian aerospace to pull a whammy on him. Maybe whoever was president should have DONE SOMETHING about it…oh that’s right, he did. He basically made lame-ass threatening calls to election officials and sent a team of putzes to court in blatant attempts at THEFT on camera. And then tried the most cowardly and ham-handed ON TV coup attempt to destroy his own country that he was leading. And The Rubes loved it! Made them feel good.

Perhaps a real president with all the powers of hell and CIA and FBI and Defense at his command could have sniffed out and stopped the judeo-italian lasers, and caught those meanies stealing his election red-handed!