READ: Prepared Testimony Of Ukraine Ambassador Ousted By Trump | Talking Points Memo

Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch told Congress Friday, according to a prepared testimony obtained by the Washington Post, that she was recalled suddenly from her post in May, after previously being by the State Department she’d stay there for until at least next year.

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Lock her up!!!


Well, after all, Trump thought she was really nasty to him; that’s reason enough to remove someone, right? Right?? I’m loving watching this whole affair blow up in his face.


Her opening statement should be on the front page of every newspaper in the country. It was absolutely killer, and she went after Rudy, his cronies, and Pompeo with the most professional and eloquent “fuck you” that I have seen yet. BOOM and DOUBLE BOOM.


It is really too bad that she is not testifying publicly, those remarks are very powerful. And, she is obviously not on the Trump train…her duty to America comes foremost, and she really hammers Giuliani’s actions without mentioning him by name. We need more people like her stepping out and testifying, ignoring the administration’s attempts at blocking cooperation if necessary…if enough of them do so we’ll see a very grotesque picture of what the Republicans have done to our government, one that needs to be fixed.


Stages Of A Trumpernova

Orange supergiant.

By the end of its administration, a massive fleshy blob will have grown to be an orange spray tan supergiant, with a bloated outer envelope of methane and spittle and a complex core of layered broken synapses with sputtering gaseous output in the form of tweets


Aren’t we all … the hundreds of millions of us here and abroad.


Her prepared statements certainly have the feel of someone who knew what she was doing, and knows how she was betrayed. Very curious how much more she reveals in private. For instance, her prepared statements at least loosely point a finger at Dmitry Firtash, but I can understand why she wouldn’t name him there.


“This is just devastating testimony for the administration.”

  • Andrea Mitchell

When you’ve lost her, you’ve completely lost. I still doubt Senate Republicans will remove him, but I do think there’s a possibility they’ve got enough on him that they could blackmail him into stepping down. There’s no immunity deal that could be made to trade for him stepping down, but they could always blackmail his ass.


wow. opening statements don’t get much more damning of an administration than that (and she served in four rep and two dem, so you can’t call her a politicized hack)


You can if you are a Republican hack.

Here’s hoping she is as good a witness as she is a writer.


So, she declined to be part of the conspiracy, and was summarily removed from her position.

Yeah, that’s pretty bad.


It is a theme that comes up again and again with Trump: He isn’t just venally corrupt, he licenses venality everywhere; it isn’t just what he does, it is what he enables. He is a veritable font of rot.

To be led by a coward is to be controlled by all that the coward fears. To be led by a fool is to be led by the opportunists who control the fool. To be led by a thief is to offer up your most precious treasures to be stolen. To be led by a liar is to ask to be lied to. To be led by a tyrant is to sell yourself and those you love into slavery.” —Octavia E. Butler (Parable of the Talents)


Ttump to deplorables: See? She testified against me! Isn’t that disloyal? Isn’t it right to fire her?


And Taylor, who replaced her, wasn’t interested in being part of the conspiracy either. Someone’s falling down on the corruption vetting … that is, can they be corrupted. Krugman’s piece today is all about how Trump’s mental “deficiencies” have saved the country.


Our efforts were intended, and evidently succeeded, in thwarting corrupt interests in Ukraine, who fought back by selling baseless conspiracy theories to anyone who would listen. Sadly, someone was listening, and our nation is the worse off for that.



From her opening statement

Understanding Ukraine’s recent history, including the
significant tension between those who seek to transform the
country and those who wish to continue profiting from the old
ways, is of critical importance to understanding the events you
asked me here today to describe. Many of those events—and the
false narratives that emerged from them—resulted from an
unfortunate alliance between Ukrainians who continue to operate
within a corrupt system, and Americans who either did not
understand that corrupt system, or who may have chosen, for their
own purposes, to ignore it.

The harm will come when private interests circumvent
professional diplomats for their own gain, not the public good.
The harm will come when bad actors in countries beyond Ukraine
> see how easy it is to use fiction and innuendo to manipulate our
> system.


Rudy is f***ed…maybe. The way a criminal like Trump thinks, he knows this scandal is way too big and like the Mueller probe, he needs fall guys. He had ok fall guys in the probe, but it stopped short of his family or his campaign entity (where Mueller blinked). Here, it looks like Rudy is set up to take the fall, but I just don’t see how this doesn’t unravel the entire conspiracy of foreign money and influence that has corrupted the entire GOP.

What is causing Barr to blink? Adam Schiff. The House Dems are getting whistleblowers, mountains of evidence and now real witnesses are coming forward. Barr is struggling just to keep Trump away from another investigation. He doesn’t have the bandwidth or political capital to lock down everything. So, I think that means Rudy gets an indictment. Rudy’s mafia benefactors (the Russian mob) may tell him to take Trump down in order to avoid a larger look at their own affairs.


Who is disloyal to everyone.


And in truly Russian fashion – before he can sing – probably out of a high-rise window.