READ: Geoffrey Berman Details Closed-Door Talk With AG Barr Before Being Fired | Talking Points Memo

I was thinking of a plane towing a banner, but I suspect you can’t fly a plane close enough to the property that it would be readable.

Protected airspace regs for Mar-A-Lago:

(nm = nautical miles, not nanometers, alas)


True, but not in this instance. The feds wanted him to agree not to talk to the media as a condition of his home confinement. Cohen refused, and that’s what got him re-detained.


But he would try unless he decided it would be better for Mitch’s re-election.


But he’s too stupid to realize that expanding his support is the only way to win. He is also not very good at math and, I am sure, he never graduated from Wharton - too stupid, unable to think, and can’t read…


They fucked up when they appointed him. Didn’t realize that his oath was to the Constitution and not Donnie Little Fingers.


OT, but is the Bureau of Prisons telling a nice story here?

Last week, Cohen was photographed by The New York Post eating outside the French restaurant Le Bilboquet, which is near his Manhattan apartment, sparking some speculation that he was violating the terms of his release. The Bureau of Prisons statement did not address that, noting only that on May 21, Cohen had been “placed on furlough pending placement on home confinement.”

“Today, Michael Cohen refused the conditions of his home confinement and as a result, has been returned to a BOP facility,” the statement said.

Roger Adler, one of Cohen’s attorneys, said the development was “news to me,” and he was seeking more information.

“I don’t know of any grounds that existed for revoking a medical furlough,” he said.

Or is that BOP’s read because Cohen violated the terms?


Looks like bagpipes to me, or did I miss a joke?

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Interesting! That’s Cohen’s lawyer’s explanation, anyway:

Maybe it’s some of both?


Thomas stepping down is a scenario I could see happening. Yes, he’s a reactionary, but a complete zero in the brains department, and he doesn’t stir up the base the way Scalia did. And Thomas’s wife is the one running the show, and is an ideological zealot and activist. Trump will prevail upon her to prevail upon Thomas, with the reward being a medal of freedom and a likeness in Trump’s sculpture garden.


OMG! Hahahahahahahahaha, love Natasha’s voice.


Sounds like Christiane Amanpour hahaha




Ah. I see @txlawyer explains it. Buh bye, dummy. Must be prison isn’t so bad for Mikey.

The level of delusion it takes to believe the shit coming from that youtube channel…mindboggling. One might rightfully wonder how many of the bad English, mispelled, ungrammatical posts below it are just foreign propagandist sockpuppets trying to create a false sense of consensus to make idiot Amurikkkans feel more at ease believing it…like lots of people agree with them…and then posting their own badly mangled English themselves.

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Berman has always just been an interim USA appointed by the judges of the SD when Trump fired Bharara, and never nominated a replacement. This is what makes Barr’s meeting with Berman so strange. Trump / Barr didn’t need Berman to step down to nominate his replacement. Just nominate Clayton FFS.

Barr’s apparent panic or urgency in pushing Berman out on that night and bypassing his top assistant is just odd. I assume some major shoe involving indictment(s) will eventually drop to explain this.


I can’t find it right now, but somebody posted a copy of the agreement they wanted him to sign. If that really is the basis for sending him back to prison, I imagine a court will spring him in short order. Every prisoner retains their First Amendment rights.


That is an egregious abuse of his First Amendment rights and he should be bringing suit quite quickly. It’s clearly intended to help Trump’s campaign and yet more evidence of Barr’s absolute corruption of the DOJ and abuse of his power as Trump’s “fixer”.


By your calculation it seems you are not taking into account the mail in voting route that many, not all states will have in place. Which means we may not know who won on 11/03, 11/04, 11/05, 11/06, 11/07, 11/08, 11/09, or 11/10, so there’s that.
That should give Barr and some other Trump flunkies time enough to find cheap fares to countries without extradition treaties with the US.


Yes, good point. No skywriting either. I doubt a boat can come within rifle-shot distance, so that’s no good. Hmm. Of course, in the tropics you have prevailing winds, and if you released a balloon of some sort from far enough away, that has possibilities. Drones as well. Sometimes there’s only one road you can use in a beach area, so signage along there is worth some investigation. Let’s research further and meet to discuss.


Drones might be our best bet. Might be able to launch one from a small boat and get away before the drone is detected and shot down.

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