Raffensperger Calls Out Fox For Not Airing All Jan. 6 Hearings

Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result.

Winston Churchill


I have a very hard time getting past all of these people whose lives and families were threatened saying if Trump was running against Biden tomorrow or in 24 they would vote for Trump. Both Bowers and Raffensperger said this. The kindest way to look at it is that they are cynical and craven. The other ways to look at it are actually much worse.

This is barely politics anymore. It is some kind of battle for common sense and decency, and even the Republicans speaking out about what Trump did are still voting against their own professed ethical standards. By saying they would vote for him again, they are saying his behavior is somehow acceptable. If that is where you take your stand, look again, because you are not actually standing - for anything.


They’ve been doing their Mystery Science Theater 3000 version of the hearings.


I’m only the third “like” for this post? Come on, folks! Reward brief density! This post sums up the whole past two decades in 26 words.


“Look, Marjorie Taylor Greene live tweeting member locations to the mob!”


OT. Speaking of McCarthy, he and his minions plan to formally whip votes to kill
gun legislation proposal. Children’s and teachers’ lives do not matter.


Maybe main Justice needs to investigate the Murdochs as part of the conspiracy against the Government of the U. S.

Rupert is a naturalized citizen and subject to the laws of the U.S. Try to march his Aussie ass into the hearing room first. And when he refuses, then its time prosecute.

Let’s be clear. Cable ‘news’ operations do not necessarily have the same First Amendment protections as the real members of the Fourth Estate.

When pressed, the Limbaughs (may he suffer in hell), the Hannity’s etc., will deny they are journalists. They claim they are ‘entertainers’. It’s a dodge to avoid facing the reality of trying to walk the thin line between being a reporter or a commentator. We know what they are. Liars at the heart, and grifters everyday.

This may be the time to pull the mask off these provocateurs and force the issue. Cable news can’t be regulated by the FCC but if there is no current oversight, then maybe holding them responsible for the evil they create will bring them to their knees. And the Murdochs should be first.

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Fox has enough problems, even without Rupert’s impending very expensive divorce.

TS Elliot noted that television is a is a medium of entertainment which permits millions of people to listen to the same joke at the same time, and yet remain lonesome. Modern social media has cut that number to hundreds, even dozens, but amped up the loneliness factor. Google and Facebook are getting most of that money.

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