Raffensperger Calls Out Fox For Not Airing All Jan. 6 Hearings

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) chided Fox News on Tuesday over the network’s refusal to air the House Jan. 6 Committee’s public hearings in full – specifically the first one that the panel held during primetime.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1420944

Fox doesn’t fact check their own anchors, they certainly won’t start with fact checking their own network.


I think Raffensperger is out of touch. Faux’s audience has taken a life’s worth of the KoolAid. They don’t need no committee meetings to make their already made up little satisfied minds think anything other that they were and are still doing the right thing.


Raffensperger is poking a hornet’s nest. He knows it. But he’s doing it. Interesting.


I think this is an important detail that Cabrera left out. From Axios:

  • The network has carried the other three daytime hearings live, with commentators often disparaging the committee as partisan and as failing to break new ground.

Airing the hearings with constant dubbing by right-wing radicals is not properly “carrying the last three hearings”.


“Nearly all the witnesses have been Republicans telling the truth,” Sterling said. “But the problem it has now is it is somewhat partisan.”

After everything he’s been through due to the deep rot of his party, he still lies to hold the party line.



“I wish that Fox News would have carried all of it, because I think it would have helped our party heal” and provided people with “more facts,” Raffensperger told Axios after his testimony in front of the committee on Tuesday.

“They can hear the information, and they can make their own determination,” the Georgia official added.

Perhaps embedded in this is a reminder of FOX’s long-ago(?) slogan, “We report; you decide.”


“They can hear the information, and they can make their own determination,”

That seems wildly optimistic considering how hard it is to deprogram cult members.


“They can hear the information, and they can make their own determination,”

The last thing the trumpublican party wants is a base that is interested in making their own determination. It just doesn’t fit the authoritarian model.

“Nearly all the witnesses have been Republicans telling the truth,” Sterling said. “But the problem it has now is it is somewhat partisan.”

Because trumpublicans have no interest in the truth.


During his testimony yesterday, he noted that Trump lost in Georgia because enough Republicans just didn’t vote for him, even as they voted an otherwise straight ticket. But he was also telling campaign audiences during the primaries this very same thing.

I think Raffensperger is past being afraid of Trump, politically speaking . . . which just might be a sign of how things are trending in Georgia.


Also the fact Raffensperger handily won renomination in the state’s primaries last month.


jwbuho - I couldn’t agree more.

Raffensberger’s widowed daughter-in-law’s home was broken into by the GQP lunatics.

I believe he’s done with this nonsense.


Maybe. But he flipped his odds of becoming the GOP nominee from something close to zero to a win. And he did that by patiently and doggedly traveling throughout the state of Georgia explaining why he stood up to Trump’s pressure campaign in the 2020 election


"Nearly all the witnesses have been Republicans telling the truth,” Sterling said. “But the problem it has now is it is somewhat partisan.”

If Republicans are telling the truth, then by definition they must be trashing another Republican.


Fox has no interest in helping the country “heal.” It is in Fox’s interest to demonize Biden and the Democrats and to keep the country’s “wound” festering.


Trump qua Trumpism is an Id Monster conjured from our nation’s primitive hindbrain and these Repugs can’t grok the source of the beast ineluctably includes themselves.


Nearly all the witnesses have been Republicans telling the truth,” Sterling said. “But the problem it has now is it is somewhat partisan

Sterling needs to give Kevin McCarthy an earful, but he won’t. It’s been Republicans testifying either via taped deposition/interview or in person during the hearings. And the victims of Trump terrorists, Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman demonstrated far more courage than Pence, Cipollone, Meadows,Jordan, Biggs, etc etc. Raffensperger, Sterling, Bowers, effing Kavanaugh get security paid for by the state or federal government. No such protection for two courageous black women. Lady Ruby was told by the FBI to leave her home but was on her own.


He finding out that FOX controls the GOP.

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Yup, and Fox will move onto DeSantis as soon as Trump is too damaged. Count on it.


Yup again. DeSantis is positioning himself as a True Believer, cut from whole cloth. He’s determined no one will outflank him on the right because he knows TFG will stroke out from clogged arteries or be bankrupted and the crown of Magaland will be his.