Race-Resetting Super Tuesday Sets Up A Long Fight For The Democratic Nomination | Talking Points Memo

Amazing to see the low number of voters in some states. Like only 100k it seemed like! In a whole phucking state!

Looks to me like the electorate is not looking for a revolution in 2020. They just want the stupid to stop.


Reading the headlines on TPM’s home page this morning, one might think the results on Super Tuesday were a standoff, when, actually, the results were an electoral disaster for Bernie Sanders. Sanders lost state after state where he had been leading Biden by double digit margins less than a week ago. And this collapse took place despite the massive advantage Sanders had over Biden in field organization and advertising spending. Even in his home state, Vermont, Sanders ran about 30% below his numbers four years ago against Clinton.


Yup. That is why my dream ticket has been Biden/Harris from the get go. Both those groups deserve to be rewarded for their loyalty and perseverance. They may have saved the Dem party and the nation last night.


A return to No Drama Obama
Quiet competency instead of waking up every morning turning on the news and going What The F*ck!!


Great bumper sticker slogan - “Make the Stupid Stop! - Vote Democratic”


I like Biden/Warren with Harris as Attorney General. That would be awesome.


Quiet competency instead of waking up every morning turning on the news and going What The F*ck!!

I still wake up everyday, turn on my computer and go “now what”.


Sanders is currently projected to net 50 pledged delegates out of CA.

Biden offsets that with AL (36) + NC (29) (among other combos).



Well of the 24 posts before yours seems that most have now settled for the same-o same-o candidate. It is just as bad as REPUGS who hearken back to the 50’s that never existed. That is fine, I guess, but talk about a boring campaign season just what is needed to get people to sit at home come November.


And it would go well with the “#notnormal/resist” bumper sticker I have had on my car since the end of 2016.

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Boring campaign season?!!

I can assure you that it will be anything but boring. Trump will be Trump, which will ensure that even more people get up and vote him out.


I don’t agree, yes tRUmp will be tRUmp, however, I am beginning to believe that people are just shrugging the latest trumpism off and moving along. Only folks like those here are those who continue to expound upon the foolishness the rest just shake their heads as they walk away.


I take exception to the headline as written: yesterday set up a long process, but it feels an awful lot like 2016. It’s hard to see a viable Sanders path even if you squint, but he’s in it to the convention because he loves to hear himself talk. It’s not really a fight as such; the sturm und drang keeps everybody’s eyeballs on the race but ultimately signifies little.


His strong showing Tuesday even in states where he wasn’t projected to win foretells a much longer fight for the Democratic nomination.

Okay, what am I missing here? It seems pretty obvious that this was an epic result for Joe. How does that fact “tee up a long primary fight”, as the headline has it? We’re seeing the race very quickly consolidate into a two-person contest. Wouldn’t any other result, except maybe a mirror-image blowout in Bernie’s favor, suggest an even more drawn-out slugfest?


Weren’t voting numbers up across the board last night? The Trump administration’s policies and authoritarian tendencies have scared and infuriated Americans. The strong desire to boot his nasty, evil, ignorant butt will only grow stronger as November approaches and the light at the end of the tunnel grows bigger and brighter.


Great night for Biden and his supporters – congrats!

Especially great night for those who were sticking with him even when he was at his low point.

Disappointing night for us Bernie fans, no doubt about it.

Bad night for Bloomberg fans…though for the many who weren’t crazy about Bloomberg but willing to back him as an alternative to Bernie, obviously less of an issue.

Bad night for Warren…third place in her home state? Yeesh. I like Warren a lot, but c’mon…time to drop out.

I would like to see both Bloomberg and Warren drop out, so that we can get a clear head-to-head vote through the rest of the primaries. Increases the chances one of the remaining candidates has a majority of delegates going into the convention, or at least a clear plurality.

Either way, #VoteBlueNoMatterWho!


Apparently the “massive” demographic that was supposed to be so energized by the candidate shouting about the Revolution © didn’t bother to show up to vote. The imagined “surge of new voters” didn’t wait until November to stay home.

Sanders promises he will create a new coalition of young people and minorities who want their government to do more for people.

But young voters, a traditional Democratic constituency, continue to show up far less in the primary than other age groups. In fact the portion of voters in the 17 to 29 age category that Sanders routinely wins, was down.

In North Carolina in 2016, 18% the Democratic primary voters were 17 to 29. It was down slightly as a proportion of the primary vote in 2020, according to early exit polls. In Oklahoma, it was 12% in 2016, in the same ballpark as 1 in 10 in 2020, according to early exit polls.

He won 58% of political independents in 2016 in North Carolina. He got about 40% of them in 2020, according to early exit polls.


In other Texas news …


Bernie’s interview on 60 Minutes 10 days ago is this year’s equivalent of the “Dean Scream”.