Best part of tonight (besides Biden kicking ass)…
Brian Williams said on-air that “Bloomberg isn’t having the night he thought he paid for”.
Best part of tonight (besides Biden kicking ass)…
Brian Williams said on-air that “Bloomberg isn’t having the night he thought he paid for”.
Exactly, thats the most optimistic take about this, here is a less optimistic take.
Last thing we need is voter-induced oscillation.
Imo the results show the resistance to Sanders from many voters (not just the so-called “establishment”), which is good (for me personally). But to hear some people cheering that Biden won states he never set foot on nor had any organization in, as if that’s something to be proud of (or even normal) really turns me off. I hope these are not the same people who used to chant “Wisconsin!” “Entitled!” “Coronation!”. I also hope they realize the results are achieved by a team, not just one candidate. Don’t be cocky.
I don’t like to quote myself but Super Tuesday proved that African-Americans and college educated women are laser focused on one overarching concern: “the urgency of backing to the hilt whichever Democrat emerges so we can extricate that swine of a Current Occupant from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.” Biden was Obama’s surrogate in decency and normalcy. America wants that again.
Lestaltdelc: I’m told that in Vermont getting more votes means you won.
I will of course #VoteBlueNoMatterWho, but I do confess to being disappointed that Warren didn’t do better last night. I still believe that on paper, anyway, she was/is the best of the candidates, a happy medium between Biden and Sanders.
That said, I do hope she’ll have influence in a Dem administration.
I’m enough of a political realist to see that Biden gives us a better shot than, even, Warren does with down-ballot races (not just national offices, but, even, state races (Texas Dems have high hopes of winning back the House there, which would be huge for redistricting)). That doesn’t mean I can’t wish things were different, though.
How many campaigns has Biden run? How long was he a VP? Who did he have to introduce himself to?
Replace the word “Trump” with “Bush” and those words could have been typed in 2004.
It was “obvious” Kerry was the “safe” choice.
By November, we realized just because someone would be a capable President doesn’t make them a capable candidate.
I think, partially the short primary was part of the problem. Kerry was boring and needed more free media that an extended primary would bring. Doubling down with a boring VP pick was also I’ll advised.
My biggest disappointment is that Bernie and Joe ran this year.
They sucked up all the oxygen in their respective lanes.
I’d much prefer the Left/moderate discussions be about Warren and a, Booker or maybe other candidates who might have gotten in had Joe not.
Sure, but if an old building is destroyed you don’t rebuild it to the old building code, then upgrade it. You rebuild to the new code.
I think that is what folks are suggesting about “righting the ship” before change.
You seem to be confused, they ran home to Biden, not Bernie.
Did anyone listen to the speeches last night. While Biden spoke about hope for the country ( Sanders attacked Biden ( Therein lies the difference between a uniter and a divider.
And just like that, Sanders supporters were suddenly okay with the existing convention balloting rules.
The news networks are unanimous in thinking their expert opinionators are more interesting than the candidates’ speeches.
You’ve got to stop the bleeding first and stabilize. After that, you can look around and start cleaning house but if our patient (our country and democracy) bleeds out, cleaning house is going to be the least of our concerns.
Lot of Damn gall
Treats the Democratic party like the enemy and is surprised when they don’t like him
If you actually paid attention to Bernie’s numbers he never had the support his supporter believed he had. The moderate candidates Biden, Pete, Amy when their numbers were combined trounced Bernie. Remover Pete and Amy and those voters shift to Biden. It always cracked me up when Bernie supporters claimed the people want Bernie when there were no numbers to support this claim