Prosecutors Detail Oathkeepers’ Alleged ‘Race’ To Capitol Attack — In Golf Carts | Talking Points Memo

What about them? They’re fresh.

They are not for eating.

What about their legs? They don’t need those. They look tasty.


-True Tales of the Third Age

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Or Julius Fučík’s Entry of the Gladiators.

Except that it wasn’t actually a comedy, or a circus, or funny at all. These fsckers were actually trying to overthrow the constitutional order, disrupt the work of our elected representatives, and annul a legitimate election.

Need to keep our eye on the ball.


Growing up seeing the Mummers’ Parade on TV, it just seemed like the most awfully boring bunch of wannabe drag queens in the world. And banjos? Who needs more than one banjo in a band?

But living in Philly and witnessing the drunken freak show up close made me love it. That part did not make it on TV. I haven’t lived there in a couple decades (never mind why!) and heard they’ve cleaned up their act.

Which is disappointing.

ETA: Just reread your comment. No shade meant on your uncle or his banjo.

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A Kazoo band would be fitting.

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They do and they don’t. Although the Shriners hospitals do a lot of good, the percentage of funds raised by Shriners that get to the hospitals is not always that high. (Ages ago an investigative reporter friend in florida did a series on them – he was advised to leave the state.)


Regarding those mysterious golf carts, they could have hauled them in on a trailer.
I lived in the SW for awhile and in high season and snow birdies, the golf carts appeared. Have seen them being hauled down the freeway.

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Reminder that the NYT is a shitty newspaper in desperate need of an overhaul.


Lock 'em all up, Stone, too.


I found an article in the NYT that delves into the Shriners.They had a 9 billion dollar endowment fund where most of the hospital’s operating costs came from back in 2007 when the NYT article was written.
The article said about 57% of their raised funds went for booze and events for members back then…

I think things may have changed since then because they have a great rating by a charity rating firm now.




Well today is Fall of the Seditious Confederacy Day, so he might want to remember that.


She deserves to put out to pasture with the QAnoners.


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Oh mighty hunter Oathkeeper of great fighting who’s a laughing stock,
Perhaps can you tell me, eh What’s up Doc?


Well, thank you for that. Somebody once gave me a compilation CD of songs with fantasy/filk/medieval/war songs and that was on it. I had no idea what it was about, because who can understand the words?, but I love the music. (Parades in my part of the world never had mummers.)

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What? The GOP clown cars were all out of commission?

You get the feeling that most of the MAGA can’t pass a regular drivers test or ride a bike for that matter. The corrupt, sainted Conservative Movement is definitely out of shape, out of gas and out of luck that security cameras and cell phone documented all their criminal actions that day.

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I think they ate them


Are you sure the carts don’t have Russian license plates?


If the Trump GOP is a Lifestyle Brand, I don’t think the lives will be very long.

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